Looks like they are spending the Opie money on Gervais then

6  2017-08-29 by Dennyislife


Fuck that one trick pony.

Please tell me Sam isn't involved in this.

Gervais said he will have rotating co hosts and locations doing it.

Ah fuck I'd do anything to get a revived Ricky Gervais XFM thing with Merchant and Pilkington. But the other two would never work with Ricky again so yeah.. this is probably going to suck.

Was the pilot any good? I never listened.

The first/last 20 mins ish is somewhat listenable, the middle just has birbiglia in and talking about the craf of comedy, 'philosophy', what they want of society etc, you aren't missing much.

I wonder what Gervais's thoughts on religion are.