Why didn't Ant and Artie use the name High Sobriety Radio?

0  2017-08-29 by lolercakesmcgee

Is Keith truly functionally retarded?


Anthony and Artie both have jobs.Opie has no job.I in heaven.

I too

Because it wouldn't be nearly as good or relatable?

creativity: they are not as good at it as you. That's why.

O&A fans > O&A fans bored bored enough to check out R&F > who stayed long enough to know who Hicks is > who like him > who listen to his podcast on GaSDigital > who listen to his podcast on GaSDigital and are smart enough to understand puns

They could have pandered to 2 people.

That's the point, they are not sober.

They should have called it "2 Fake Italians"

Because neither of them are sober, but keith is a functional retard.

I would think that would make the show name ironic.

True. Does it really matter, though? Artie won't be on the show long and Ant will be scrambling to find another co host.

tssss yea or like 2 nigger meatballs radio or whatevuh

because that's a really shitty name.