
5  2017-08-29 by TonyFromLongIsland


Ew fat bitch

What a fawkin flatso.

If only she could sword fight as well as she can clear a buffet plate.

that dont make no sense

Bet she can do some ninja moves with a fork

So brave, so fierce, so fat.

"Devious alacrity" "tailored to my ineptitude"

I hate when stupid people try to sound smart, thesaurusy bitch

if you were to throw a bag of chips at me with the hopethat I’d catch them, I would prove you wrong every time

What kinf of an example is that? What fat piggy cunt

The love for Game of Thrones annoys the fuck out of me. The fantasy genre blows. Fuck your imaginative world building hoodoo voodoo magic bullshit.

What a badass.

A girl has fat thighs.

Regular cutlery just ain't getting the job done any more.