List of people Opie will never talk to again now that he doesn't have a radio show.

21  2017-08-28 by Dawgsie

  1. The listeners.
  2. His wife.
  3. His friends. (Just kidding he doesn't have any.)

Also, his agent.

his dad.. oh wait nm

No need to be pessimistic, he could still join him we just need to have hope!


"Welcome aboard! Monday morning. Welcome aboard!"

Vic "take the money and run" Henley

Vic "Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM, Get the Money, Dolla Dolla Bill Y'all" Henley

Barry Williams

Barry was genuinely friendly to the opster, but opie would still bash him when barry was brought up on the show.

Yeah, never understood that one.

You underestimated "THE PSYCHO"!

Barry brought him to his home and served him drinks. Opie went on the air shitting on him about how awkward it was to be with them. Said the same thing about Kevin Smith. These people try to be his friends and he doesn't know how to.

Rich Vos



I raise you with Chuck from NC.

I call

Mongo the trucker

I got Fontaine, the only black listener.

He's got people, who will return when the daily 750$ returns.

Anyone who isn't a bored fish.

Anyone remotely famous