Good news for ol' Billy boy

33  2017-08-28 by Ant_Sucks


Bad news for Ant and Sue.

does explain quite a lot

implying sue is a female

the 4th one is a real thing that exists somewhere?

Are the yellows meant to be asian? This country isn't as PC as i thought it was.

Or most likely Hispanic.

I think Spiks are white


He means if you look at census stats and population as well as crime statistics, for some reason are country counts hispanics as white. Its odd but true

only when they're killing blacks

t.Jose Rodriguez

Thag's just mudsharking propaganda to make White men take a chance on Black women because we all know Black men aren't to keen on monogamy or marriage, generally.

It's the only way black children will get a father figure in the home.

Yeah. I feel like that chart is Liberal propaganda designed to somehow address that pervasive, societal problem.

Whitey be always afraid to divorce the ebony godess, mmm hmm.

Blacks and Asians don't mix? Fockin racist pieces of gahbige.

WM/BF is lower because the negress if more likely to kill the white man in a fit of monkey rage, that or aids

WM is also susceptible to suicide after being forced to sell his drumset and murdering the family dog.

imagine having a dog forced on you, falling in love with it, then having it snatched away. also having to sell your drumset. just to have a baby. he's going to lose it and kill both of them.

I can never tell if the racism here is jocular or not but I'm loffin

Wow white women and black men have such a huge divorce rate. Who would have guessed?

Maury Povich's fault.

Where da white women at

ay yo hol up

I can't listen to his podcast anymore. Every fucking show he incrementally ramps up the white guilt/hate. Part of it is his racial dysphoria and the other half is his overbearing sheboon he impregnated. Why can't these morons (see: comedians) stick to being funny instead of constantly branching off into areas that are of no strength to them?

I knew a couple of the third variety that had a tragic ending

All this proves is white wives are a pain in the fucking ass

What's the % of people in this sub who automatically assumed the Yellow figure meant Asian?

100? Red glanded....Red glanded.

Data N/A is really funny.

This particular chart is nonsense. It has no source.