An asshole trying to be funny

35  2017-08-27 by SteveTech74


Fawkin home run!

An Asian kid somewhere in China wrote that one for him.

How do you know it's not a white guy in China writing these zingers?


White men are too busy impregnating their women with king-seed to be doing petty bit work.

still subbed to prepburger i see

How do you get to age 60 without learning that you capitalize the days of the week?

He's got a 141 IQ you know

Oh sorry, I got Opie confused with the dunce who can do radio and is actually funny


"hurricane hit Houston?" Ewww. (to pardon Harvey) (Harvey who is a hurricane)

Opie deserves to get the Harvey Milk treatment. In more ways than one.

Even his writing has a stammering cadence to it.

How do you know it's not a white guy in China writing these zingers?