Jim joined the latest Trump protest

59  2017-08-27 by MagneticJohnson


Looks like he is covered in fun. That's Jim alright.

usually these posts are a reach and never funny but god damn this is great.

What is going on with his throat?

Ant came down his throat then pulled out too quickly. Oral sex equivalent of the pink sock.

He was about to toss a molotov cocktail at the protest but suddenly his phone vibrated. His hands were full so he just tucked the cocktail under his chin for a second while he quickly checked his numbahs from his latest tweet. Sadly he was a bit too slow.

mixed messages on image 18

jesus christ, so many fat women

I saw one with a butt as her belly. How is that possible? I would've thought that the fat rolls would be stacked vertically, not horizontally.

You ever wear pants that're too big, you tighten the belt and the pants fold over? Shes doing that with her fucking belly. She's so fat and sloppy that when the waistband clamps down, she folds the two halves of her belly into eachother to make the circumference smaller. Used to work with a lady who did that and I caught a few glimpses when she'd move weird.


He heard man milk takes away the pain of pepper spray.