Joe Rogan making love to a woman

32  2017-08-27 by Compound_MediaPR



I think that is indeed her.

Confirmed: Lauren Kubera is a midget fucker.

Hopefully she posts an Instagram picture goofing on it

midget chinner

I hope she falls on hard times and has to do porn.

She has a wide-set vagina which only the girthiest of black men and the Chippah can properly fill.

Well I know what porn I am watching later now.

whats the name of the clip? now I want to watch this, for science, or whatever excuse people use nowadays.

I think it might be the Verne Troyer sex tape.

yes it is, thank bae.

This is a great video if you want to appreciate women more

yeah, she's a real trooper.

Lmao why would I ever want to do that?

Lil verne was banging away like a grasshopper Quite disturbing..

He's got a lot of heart

And very little kidneys.

I don't think I've ever laughed harder at anything than an ejaculating Mini Me.

what have you guys all got against Joe?

He's puny mostly. I hate that he's taken being an annoying stoner several tiers higher. And of course Eddie Bravo.

You mostly hate him for being small. Alright.

/u/GeoffreyArnold tell this nigga what's up

It actually seems convenient to be able to suck tit and fuck at the same time so easily. When you are a taller man women are always trying to kiss you. Yuck.

Well, she doesn't have a penis. So we know it isn't Norton or Cumia.