Reminder: Jim Breuer put out a music album.

5  2017-08-27 by Hold_My_Brush22



[No need to remind us](We do what our wives tell us!)

Bruer makes Eddie Murphy's attempt at a career in music seem like one of the best ideas of all time. Is there an attempt at humor here or he just wanted to make shitty music?

No. There's zero irony involved. He genuinely wanted to revive 70's-80's glamor rock.

I hate the confidence of dopey happy christians. "Just do what makes you happy, believe in God, believe in yourself, and never worry about what other people think." Terrible advice, all of it.

Not sure why you took it there... but I agree. When people put their lives "in gods hands", I lose all respect for them. I get it's a state of mind, and fine, you can't control it so let it go. That makes sense. But when you act like there's some white robed bearded wizard pulling levers and flipping switches, guiding the roller coaster of your life, I just don't think you've used enough psychedelic drugs.

Just because he seems to have lost his self-douche-filter when he converted. If he cared what people think he would have avoided that atrocity of an album at all costs. He's a nice guy now yeah but who tf would want to hang out with him? Other than knapsack flinging drunken lunatics.

party all the time is a good fucking song

It's not even 6am yet and Party All The Time is going to be stuck in my head all fucking day now.

Cringe Rock

Which one of these solid gold hits does he walk on stage with "Family Warrior Tour"

Santa Claus isn't coming because I didn't tidy my room

Damn this guy's an edgy rocker! Remember when Opie was repeatedly pushing this like it was some hot shit?