Favorite Stern Clip/Moment

6  2017-08-27 by redtheftauto

Only ever listened to the 911 broadcast. I want to fill the void(s) in my life with noise and arguments from people I'll never meet.


Does this look like a Howard discussion forum fuckwad ?

What is a forum fuckwad, fuckwad?

Excuse me you special ed student ...it is a place where you discuss topics like opies tits, his narcissism etc etc.we talk about that here ...oh your confused maybe I'll use the proper word sub ... This isn't a Howard sub you cunt

Ok pal I was clearly poking fun at how you didn't it a comma before the word fuckwad which makes the sentence read as if you were referring to "Howard forum fuckwad" as a noun instead of "Howard forum, fuckwad" which is what any human with an IQ above 16 would have typed

Shut up you fucking faggot.

Howard discussion forum fuckwad - sign me up

Pete Burns interview. Artie: when people fuck you in the ass do you go "I want your love aaaaaaaa"

Colin Quinn roasting Artie Lange was great. One of the meanest things I have ever heard said by Colin: "I've got some better jokes, but I'm saving them for your wake."

I liked it when he said "Stop drinking and doing drugs right now! Because everyone here loves you. Well... everyone except Dana." So brutal.

The roast where Sal went at Beth/Robin was awesome

The one where he got Opie fired by framing him for filming his coworker shitting.

I started watching all the Artie focused videos a few months ago and then just slowly started watching the other ones too. Nothing that's uploaded on youtube is really boring, since they're all highlights.


When Howard pissed Eddie Money off when he took his song "Two Tickets to Paradise" changed it "Two Fingers in Paradise" Fred sang it in Liberace voice

Dracula Gottfried uncut they took all the racist/non pc shit out.listened to show from mid 80`s until Jackie left then re-listened to shows on you tube it was same as cutting the tit parts out of movies to be able to show on tv

I like Eric the fawkin midget to be honest witcha

anything Billy West or Mark Harris. Mark Harris vs Dice is great; one time on the phone, one time in the studio.

The Jesus Twins

Jan Michael Vincent

The Jackie Puppet busts Conan O'Brien's balls

Pat Cooper meltdown, then Billy and Howard reenacting it

The bro fight

Artie vs Richard and Sal

Goofing on Jackie's documentary

anything with the intern Smelly James

anything with Eliot Offen

Cookie Puss

Fred and his wife fight at The Rainbow Room

Jackie and Nanci at the beer fest

anything Beetlejuice


the Hateman voicemails

Ahh Hateman. Did he die?

Fred and his wife fight at The Rainbow Room

So Fred definitely beats his wife, right?

If anything, it's t'other way 'round. He couldn't even tell her to stop doing that stupid play.

I was listening back to some "Fred's marriage is on the rocks" clips recently, and I had forgotten she was in two different roles in that play: in the one, she was making out with some dude all night, and in the other, she played a stripper and dudes were grabbing, groping, and get this, even fondling her!

There's no way she'd do stuff like that if there was a fear of receiving some "Latvian kisses" at home.

Her new thing is that she wants to move to California, seemingly with or without Fred.

Queef record

Billy West as Marge Schott.

Artie vs. that pornstar (crystal something?)

That's the one.


Y'know guys, if you really want to fuck with Opie, The name of this sub should be called... idk, something to do with Stern. Take away the last thing keeping Opie relevant.



Any Sal & Richard antics are pretty hysterical. Also that time Beth brought cats into the studio was riveting.

MY COCK IS GONE. ....Sal getting hypnotized.