Jimmy refers to Sam as Opie Robertson

3  2017-08-26 by uralldiseased


also classic Opie stumbles out the gate


I was literally just listening to this and other best of Chip videos. It's scary how similar all of our empty lonely lives are around here. Also learned that Chips middle name is 'Delmar'.

skip to 27:40 for Delmar conformation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ2BEG6wZp8&t=10115s

Yeah, that's one that slipped thru because everyone was distracted by Opie's attempt to pass as a literate American.

Yeah, that's one that slipped thru because everyone was distracted by Opie's attempt to pass as a literate American.

I just picture Tits reading like a 5th grader. With his finger tracking under each word as he tries to read aloud. Saying the the words but not understand what all the words add up to. Just trying to rush through it. Throwing in a " blah blah blah" when the words get hard. This fucker made seven figures.

That's why Chip reads the shit he isn't supposed to read on the Deep Discount reads on the podacast.


Havent even tried that chip podcast. That bit has ran its course with me. Kinda sick of the "being funny by telling unfunny jokes". Its almost like its too hard to be actually funny or the show isnt worth trying.

Check it out, it's not one joke, and Ant & Jim/Chip go together like chocolate and peanut butter. With no Opie trying to throw his titties in the mix.

Wtf you don't read like that?

Check it out, it's not one joke, and Ant & Jim/Chip go together like chocolate and peanut butter. With no Opie trying to throw his titties in the mix.