Admitted Former Cocaine Dealer Anthony Cumia Still Angry About Cocaine Dealers Being Pardoned

20  2017-08-26 by bonniesretardsister


I'll bet Anthony wishes he could go back and not talk about selling coke on his radio show so he could be more indignant about black criminals.

Because Anthony made a ton of money sitting around and talking for a couple hours a day, he now feels like he is above all these people. He genuinely believes that he earned that money because of how hard he worked, and a guy working nonstop making minimum wage is lazy and deserves to be looked down upon. He's kind of an asshole.

Also I hate this cult like mentality that almost everyone seems to have with their politics. Apaio was a sadistic cunt who abused his power to an extreme. Finally a little justice was done against one of these sociopaths in power, but of course it immediately gets reversed. Just because you voted for Trump doesn't mean that you have to support every single thing he does. Nobody is right all the time. If you find yourself doing this then you need to shut the fuck up for a second and examine yourself. Anthony just sees liberals criticizing Trump for this, and so he immediately has jump in and furiously defend him. It's like an entire political ideology that is just about opposing something else and not creating anything on its own. It's fucking idiocy.

It's because by supporting Trump they feel like they're part of something, a "master race", if you will.

So any attack on the leader or an individual who supports the group is an attack on everyone who supports the ideology.

I mean Milo Yiannopoulos straight up endorsed having sex with underage boys and he wasn't immediately cast off.

Everyone who suports Trump is trying to be part of the master race?

Nah, they are part of the master race. Get it? Cause only white people voted for him. Tss.

What do you do for a living, character? Is it entertaining enough to hold an audience for 20 years?

That's not the point you dullard. You need better reading comprehension.

Was he a coke dealer, or did he at some point accept cash from a friend in exchange for coke? "Coke dealers" are people who make their entire living off of selling coke, and consider murder juat part of business.

Reminder: you're all a bunch of sissy millenial SJW tattle-tail wimps.

He said he and Joe sold it in the 80s.

I've sold weed before, but I wouldn't consider myself a weed dealer by any stretch

Nobody cares faggot.

Reminder: Anthony sold blow to a half dozen people he knew over 40 years ago. If his stance on drug use/trafficking has changed AT ALL since, he's a hypocrite and we all need to tattle on him

How is it tattling when he's the one who said it?

What has this world become? We have a bunch of computer nerds claiming the moral high ground, while playing semantics and ignoring context worse than a woman.

shut up you unhappy guy

Who's the one taking offense to an alleged legal transgression that is two score old?

I don't play with no semantics, my muddah always said, "chippah, those people are no good for us".

We don't do that type of humor. We don't need that on this podacast.

I had semen ticks one time. They would crawl out of my pekka like Doofrain at the end of Sureshanked Redemptions

i don't understand what he means. i thought Ant was pro-throwing-out-illegal-aliens, and pro-drugs. the tweet sounds like the opposite.

am i stupid, or did i misread it through the dry cum?

The context was Anthony was ranting about people being mad about Trump pardoning Apaio since "Obama pardoned criminals." Someone tweeted to him they were mainly drug offenders, and Anthony said cocaine dealers are bad people without self awareness.

Anthony is deeply unhappy which manifests itself his hate for blacks and liberals. He will always take anti liberal side to let his hate out on others and not himself

What an alcoholic retard

Got em'

taken! any other instructiions?

Ant's in heavy support of Arpaio's peep show policies:

What exactly did that sheriff do? I know about the tent shit, but why was it illegal? Too harsh or something?

The thing about the tent jails was he knew those tents were 140 degrees during heatwaves and didn't discontinue them. And a lot of the people in them are people awaiting trial who couldn't make bail, so it's not like he's just putting murderers in them.

But his contempt conviction was because the courts ordered him to stop the practice of pulling over hispanics to check their paperwork.

Ant threw a fucking fit when he got pulled over for shit he did because he doesnt think its a big deal he did it. Can you imagine if he got pulled over because he's a known fucking drunk and the officer just figured he'd take a chance that he was DUI?

Here's a pretty good wrap-up in Twitter form; you can either read the linked articles for more details, or there's a longer form write-up here.

TL,DR: He was a cunt.

I haven't been following either, but when someone has 13 wikipedia entries under "controversies", it's probably a safe assumption he wasn't a swell cop.

Ant genuinely has himself convinced that the US would literally be Mayberry without all the coloreds. He looks at the picture of the guy and sees Don Knotts.

One of these days somebody needs to tell stories about a black guy they know who was a drunk and ripped people off all the time and always fought with his wife, and see how long it takes Ant to figure out he's hearing stories about dear old dad.

Los Zetas kick your ass, Los Zetas kick your face, Los Zetas kick your balls into outer space.

Jeez its funny how all these shitbag patriots dont care so much about the bill of rights when we're talking about brown people. Well, browner people. Well, some of them are browner than Ant but definitely not all of them.

What in the Bill covers illegals, shitdick?

The fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, tenth and a number of legal decisions all apply to various aspects of whats going on here, you thick motherfucker. Do you think its particularly hard to find US Citizens of mexican descent in Arizona?

A lot of people are really passionate about "American ideals" and the constitution despite not knowing a single thing about it. They just want to be part of a team.

As long as the team wears the same color uniform, if you catch my drift.

This nigga Antwan LARPS as a white man, it's hilarious

What the fuck is he trying to say?

Cocaine, People still do that shit? I only hear about meth and heroin.

Anthony gets a pass because he used to free-base with his mom. If you have your mom's permission, Saul Goodman.

he should lighten up since he may have to go back to his former ways to fund his basement puppet theater

A lot of people are really passionate about "American ideals" and the constitution despite not knowing a single thing about it. They just want to be part of a team.

Nobody cares faggot.