Photos That Aren't Photoshopped 2/69

96  2017-08-26 by JespyZero


Those whispy eyebrows make me uneasy.

See how the outer 3rd is almost gone? Jimmy might have a thyroid issue

The photographer had to take over a thousand shots to find just one where he wasn't blinking.


He holdin'

Who would want to marry That? Besides a butch lesbian of course.

First thought that comes to mind whenever I see pics of Jimmy with longer hair: old lesbian. Great minds think a lot.

There is some evidence that mrn who look like old lesbians later become future trannies

Alike, too.

christ what a mollusk

Jimmy Falcone

"Baby hawk"

"Why don't you wash your hair?"

With those upswept brows, just add points to his ears and you'd have the galaxy's first faggot Vulcan.

"It would be logical to put your captain's log into my asshole."

Fawk yeah!

"It would be logical to put your captain's log into my asshole."

Fawk yeah!

Porcupine hair Jimmy

When he gets nervous, his hair pricks up as a self-defense mechanism against shady marmalade recipe thieves

Loving these!!!

How horrifying.

Looks like Mac's mom from It's Always Sunny.

In true Jimmy fashion; ewwwwwww

His hair follicles are too far apart.

What a ugly dyke

They should consider Jim for Wolverine after Hugh Jackman quits

That's genuine badger fur.

You shouldn't have edited that second sentence in it was gold Jerry

I just don't know when to leave things alone.

Did he ask the barber for the Paulie Walnuts?

Members Only jacket.

This picture is humiliating

He looks like a skunk

This nigga got Wooly Willy Hair

He has older Ray Liotta from Blow hair.


he looks like count dracula crossed with a lesbian

Like Joe Pesci crossed with Phil Leotardo

that is the face of a drunk..wait,he hasn't had a drink in how long?!

(((Jim Norton)))

Sha-na-na tribute band singer.

Oh fuck!


RAMOOONE! Jim Norton has AIDS! RAMOOONE! Jim Norton's hair looks like a raccoon's CUNT! RAMOOONE! Bring me someone who doesn't look like a DYKE!


He is truly dedicated to the bit. This is when he grew it out to cut the uncle Paul hair cut for the uncle mingle skit

He is pretty on the inside.