So Gang, how many rounds does McGregor survive tonight?

8  2017-08-26 by disawayisthrows

I'm banking on a finish before the 6th round, that dumb little Irishman doesn't know how to strike and his little Bruce Lee schtick will get old quick.



Buy high sell low!

I'm not even going to attempt to guess. All I know is that I want that cocky prick to lose. I've hated him from the get-go. I mean, Mayweather's a cocky fuck too but he has the excuse of being a literally retarded nigger.

I can't imagine Abe Vigoda ever employing that type of salty language.

In the afterlife I curse, do drugs and smack up whores.

Well, you earned it. Loved you on Conan!

I can see him going 10-12. He's got a huge head, he's tough, and Floyds got pillow hands and no killer instinct. God damn do I want him to win though, it would be one of the greatest moments of my pathetic life



You nailed it

I saw it ending by a ref stepping in before he technically should have also but I guess I didn't write that so it don't count

2 rounds - he will get frustrated after the first round and throw a illegal head kick and get DQ.

Less than one round. I'm also hoping for permanent brain damage.

I bet on under 7.5 so I think you're right. Could realistically end 2 or 3, it's Floyd's choice.

Can't wait for all the tinkers and mma fags to prattle on about 'if it was a real fight'

Well they will have a salient air tight argument when they do

I'm ALL IN for the Mcgregor win just in hopes of worldwide chaos.

Floyd in 4 if he puts effort in. Goes 12 and is a unanimous decision if he decides to put on a show to make amends for the Manny fight.

I hate the fact that I'm even remotely interested in this stupid freak show bullshit.

Just give in and accept that you are a mark just like everyone else. I did it long ago it it is very relieving.

I wonder what Conor will do if Floyd finishes him early? You think he'll pull a Rousey and retire forever?

Nope. Start doing speeches about "at least I tried", then go back to UFC and fight Khabib/Ferguson/Diaz/Aldo

You really think so? I have a sneaking suspicion he'll go the Rousey route after this if he gets finished. Which really fucks up the trajectory of the 155 lb division, I mean who honestly cares about Tony Ferguson? Or Kevin Lee for that matter?

If Floyd carries him, I could see him clamoring for the rematch - which would make sense considering the money surrounding all of it. If not that, then I could see a fight with Paulie later on down the line.

There's no money in a Paulie fight whatsoever. Nobody gives a fuck who that guy is. Conor could fight him outside an Irish bar and nobody would turn up.

His only xourse of action regardless of tonight's loss/draw/victory is back to UFC. He's not conditioned to be a boxer. He hasn't got it in him to fight defensively so therefore doesn't have the gas to go 36 minutes. He's a fighter not a boxer, so common sense is to do this for the enormous payday and then back to UFC. Too much money left on the table if he retires after this. Plus, he's doing adverts for some fucking unknown toothpaste on his Facebook page... That's not the endorsement deal somebody who is about to retire with dignity is doing.

I'll give him 4 at the most. This is one of the most overhyped, one-sided fights ever. I can't believe everyone got suckered into it. They have the balls to charge $100 for this one match? Go fuck your mother.

What do you mean everyone? I have heard no sensible people saying that Conor has a chance. If Conor lands even one punch he has exceeded expectations.

Well, there are a lot of meatheads (especially Irish pride douchebags) who think Conor is actually going to win.

Here we go baby. Do it for the white race #wegotthis

Reckon 8 or 9. One sided all the way with only one winner from 3rd

All of them. Mayweather isn't a power puncher and he has brittle hands

Thanks Jim Morton, fight expert.

Its a tough one to call. Mayweather is the best boxer of all time but Connors a mother fucker man. If he hits you with that left its over

12 because Floyd is bluffing with the "I'm coming out swinging" talk as much as Conor is bluffing saying he'll knock him out in 4 rounds. Floyd will do his usual and go the distance to win.

I just went for floyd per UAD/KO/TKO/DISQ

good chance floyd is gonna drag it out for a rematch

i got 1k on floyd winning per ko/tko/disq

even floyd wont be able to stretch this fight to 12 rounds

What are the odds?


As in you get 1.8k on your 1k bet? If so you are ballsier than me my friend.


i mean basically mayweather is gona win, and he wont drag it out for 12 rounds

mayweather is gona win

Agreed, highly likely

wont drag it out for 12 rounds

I'm not so sure about that part eh.

of course he could do it, but by then he probably would have to prop mcgregor up so he doesnt collapse

I'm way more pumped for this fight than I should be tbh.

fight is gonna take place ~5-6am my timezone. basically i expect to wake up to ~800 bucks win, and 32 second highlight reel on reddit of the fight

You've got a grand on it and aren't even going to watch it live!?

Look at it this way, if I didn't bet on it I wouldn't care about this in the slightest. I'm only not betting more because the whole thing could be faked from these guys to get a second and third match. Mayweather will do what he wants, mcgregor won't have a say what happens in the fight.

Wlp good luck.

xoxo hun

where the fuck did you get a almost 2 to 1 bet? Lying sack of shit

I think you replied to the wrong person, I didn't post the odds, I just asked him to confirm them.

Honestly depends on how many Floyd wants, he could end it quick or drag it out if he wanted.

It's going to be such a big payday for them both I doubt they even care.

$100 for a PPV stream, fuck off!

r/BoxingStreams/ will be posting streams as they come up.

you should never bet on a Potato-N against the genuine article. Regular-N in six.

8 at the most.

Quality analysis

He really broke it down for us.

Anyone have a clue where to watch it without paying?


My nigga

Will they actually have a decent quality steam up? Was planning on buying it but if I can save $100, that's an extra few bucks for one of my addictions

HD Everytime brotha. It might cut out on you tho. I'm going to a bar

Survive? The last time Mayweather knocked a guy out it was in 2011 and it was a shot against a guy who wasn't defending himself. The last time the feather-fisted manlet got a TKO was 2007 against Ricky Hatton. Why would somebody 11 years younger who has been hit with kicks, knees and elbows fear getting really hurt by Mayweather?

Because McGregor is an amateur boxer and Mayweather is a 49-0 all time great boxer.

did he have amateur boxing matches, before transitioning to MMA, or he just trained boxing for a while?

The story goes he had like gym vs gym training matches in boxing.

The filthy Irish will find a way to win.

I'd place 3 bets floyd in 1,2, or 3. All of those are at +1600

Nick Dipaolo had one of the best predictions: McGregor will start to lose, pull some bullshit moves not allowed in boxing, get disqualified, and a rematch and months of more bullshit will follow. Sports guys may have had the same theory because it's not far fetched (especially after seeing his sparring clip), but I don't listen to sports shows or ESPN.

I don't know many people who watch ESPN at all anymore, and that shit used to be a staple for sports fans in general. ESPN can't seem to unfuck themselves.

He'll lose 75% of his purse, I doubt he'll throw anything crazy.

I'm pretty sure Mayweather would not be cool with McGregor elbowing him in the face, or kicking him and possibly knocking him out.

All of them. That dosen't necessarily mean he wins though.

I can actually see this going the distance but a UD for Mayweather and being boring as shit.

I survived ten rounds in your Mom

I dont know man its tough, this guy is a real problem

it's fake

Who wants to guess how many rounds I will make it before I pass out?

Insider information : I've already started drinking.

All of them. Deaths from boxing are rare.

gay niggers

Well, you earned it. Loved you on Conan!

I'm ALL IN for the Mcgregor win just in hopes of worldwide chaos.