The Trav Dog is all in with the Opie hate.

55  2017-08-26 by RBuddCumia


he gets it

e's laughin

Reminder that Weirdfellas is top 3 worst people to ever post here. I forget what his username is now but he's a completely self obsessed shit bag who can't stop talking about himself.


You are TheNigIsUp and I claim my five lbs of flesh.

Is that the guy who loves anime and asians and hates blacks and vaginas?

What happened to him? He usually spends all day posting on the sub; didn't see anything from him yesterday.

Nice try, you Ohio psycho.

I noticed all the comments he had replies in a thread were deleted, got his account banned again?

plebbit doesn't delete comments from banned accounts

Ah right, just heading a guess. Deleted his account because he had an attack of sense?

Absolutely. My posting history confirms everything this man has said. I am a completely self obsessed shit bag, who can't stop talking about myself. Im one of the top 3 worst people to ever post here. (I remember the polling and surveys he did to confirm that)

You're the bigger fag for actually remembering someone's username on Reddit. You shouldn't go around telling people such things.

I agree with the first part but the second makes you sound like a hall monitor queeb.

And he scammed that Ghostbusters memoribilia and got rightfully shamed for it

People liked him cause he went to Ants house once.

He has like 3 accounts and all of them embarrassing. He always has some inside scoop into comedians because he's an open micer haha

Let's not forget he had that scoop on the singer from A Pool of Mud because he worked with some girl the singer guy fucked. Oh and that he's fucked retired porn stars. And he was the one who started the whole Opie vs Carolla craze when he called in to the show and played tape of Carolla talking about the time Opie went to LA and went to see a taping of Loveline(s), and Opie in turn saying Carolla didnt even say hi to him.

You can always tell its him when he has a new account, he cant help himself from making shitty obscure movie quotes and giving insider anecdotes.

Yeah, that guy sucks.

but the same thing is happening to himself, except with no wife because he looks like a little old lady with a belly and a bald head.

He doesn't have a belly he's been going to the jam and eating butter

I realize you're just a troll but you sound like a particularly retarded and faggot one when you imply it's natural for every at-least-passably handsome guy to marry.

no, just a guy with Jim's money.

IF you're serious, there's a 100% chance you're a pussywhipped bumbling "yes dear" downcast eyes slave-husband. No wonder you're an opie fan, you fit the mold precisely.

Travis is a good egg