
65  2017-08-26 by RBuddCumia


its all cute and cuddles until he's forcing multiple prescriptions down her gullet

I can't stop laughing at this post. Vurry good.

"AND THIS is why we got the best fawkin fans on Sirius, Howard! That's how you do fawkin radio."

didn't his last wife die about a year ago? weird

year and four months.

It took six months for them to do the autopsy, which is completely normal and unlikely to affect the quality of the evidence in a drug overdose case.

Understandable if her frame was anything like Patton's.
Then again, does it take longer to cut open a fat midget, or a person or normal height and weight?

Understandable if her frame was anything like Patton's.
Then again, does it take longer to cut open a fat midget, or a person or normal height and weight?

It probably drives ME's insane. There is so much fat in the way, and they usually work alone and nobody is there to hold back the pork roast while you fish your hand in there to pull the organs. And there are probably ethics rules about setting up elaborate cable systems to do it for you because it would look like a scene out of Hellraiser.

ME: ME's?

Medical Examiner.

Medical Examiners

Patton definitely killed his wife, but autopsy backlogs are really fucking bad in LA.

This fucker is the Grim Creeper.

This fucker is the Grim Creeper.

Once he kills, he must kill again

Its the only way he can cum

All jokes aside, this is some really fucking creepy shit. These tweets between the two of them are getting weirder and weirder.

What, you don't think it's normal to have a very public engagement less than a year and a half after your wife mysteriously died?

Almost like they both killed his ex wife and are openly bragging about it in their own sociopathic way. I dunno

Dassabesso jus killin n fuggin

He's putting on a show for the public so there's plausible deniability when he murders her. He tweets this shit as she's in the next room and he masturbates furiously while clutching a trophy from his last victim. Jeff Hanneman could have written an album about this guy.

"I'm gonna marry you to death!"

I'm gonna shove my vows down your throat and press the cake over your face until you stop moving.

I'm going to SMOTHER YOU with love, as I PRESCRIBE YOU my unending devotion, TIL DEATH do us part!

Im gunna fuckin kill yu bitsch. Homerun, Chippa! Fawk ya

A little too on the nose there, Chippah.

Oh no

She won't last more than three years

This necrophiliac makes me sick

Surely, he meant "murdering" and not "marrying".

Which couple communicates publicly on Twitter?

And both of them have check marks. One would think that confirmed people would be above this shit.

The sad part is they are probably in the same room.

The shit we do to get laid....

We don't get laid... Do we?

So he's marrying her because she reminds him of his own daughter?

Who the fuck knows, but that guy is beyond twisted.

It's pretty straightforward:

Patton Oswalt wants to further his career by pimping out his daughter. His wife found out about this plan and obviously opposed it, so he killed her with the old fentanyl-in-the-coffee trick. Meredith Salenger, a former child actress, is all-in with child prostitution. She has the contacts needed for Patton to get into the pimp game, and also the skills necessary to handle a child being destroyed mentally and physically. That's why Patton loves her.

This one's gonna die a lot more violently.

Marrying a new woman a year after your wife dies of a drug overdose is pretty fucking insane.

It's like a fat version of Vertigo

Their wedding card will say Salenger and Strangler.


Vurry good...

Pills sell and she's dying

Wait until she finds the lipstick stained pillow in the attic

Hes a murderer and he looks like a goblin

People who have to declare their love on social media are weird.

In the future I'm sure it will be a pre-cursor for serial killer, same as killing small animals as a child

Hey guys, at least Patton's not a racist.

A dumb broad would write "Get a room!" as a response. Funny, original sentiment.

His little girl must be thrilled that mommy' jaw hasn't dropped but dads' got her replacement all lined up tout suis. Piece of shit.