If you watch cartoons, you're a piece of shit.

3  2017-08-26 by xavier_stock

This includes "adult" cartoons like rick and morty.

Fuck you.


While I mostly agree with you, rick and morty is good.

It was good until that bum Harmon decided to hire female writers.

You know how its always sunny hired female writers for the latest season?

Notice how that was the season charlie and dee had a romance arc, mac came out of the closet, and dennis admitted he had feelings all along and left philly to raise his son?

Women are garbage.

They really do ruin everything.

Every comment i've been making tonight has referred to people's unintended innuendos towards jewry

have i been nazi-brainwashed?


I'm watching the simpsons right now

Season? Ep? Talk at me.

Season 5 ep 2 Cape Feare




South Park is cool

Lions NFC champs.

Pinky and the Brain brain brain brain brain.


Agreed. Infantile behavior is common among men now, it's like the world has been taken over by man-children. I can understand playing video games, I do it myself. But to see guys in their mid-30's spending the majority of their time 'gaming' is fucking pathetic.

Infantile behavior like having and sharing dreams about pathetic old men you have an obsession with? What are you, foooooour?

What are you seeevven?

Okay, okay. The one exception is the original chip chipperson show.

Yeah? What are ya supposed to do drive em or somethin? I dunno, just riffin

Wtf is your problem? I could see your argument if you were talking about grown adults being gamers but some cartoons & animated movies are great & surpass many live-action films or shows.

I cannot agree with you you anymore than this.

I still like the old classics. https://youtu.be/RkFhZMa-8Xw

What should people be watching?

Child porn

I want to see porn directed by children

If a man watches cartoons out of free will, then he will also, with great joy, watch an innocent child robbed of it's life. - Martin Luther King Jr (RIP)

"I have a dream that one day a Negro will get shot and crackers across the land will get an extra day off work a year". Amen


What about trap hentai?

My waifu says you are a peesa g.

having an opinion on this makes you much more queer than any cartoon watcher

OP probably watches dudes hitting balls with sticks or something. Or an MMA fan. Wanna catch some nitro circus broooo

Hold on lemme chug some more beer... for the frat!

Why? Because you don't, you beacon of manliness?

He's not a fucking five year old!

Kill face

Hello pot, this is the kettle..... fuck you.

I can only watch cartoons when I'm stoned

If I'm sober I just feel like a man child
