BBC literally devotes an entire section of its website to niggerspeak

19  2017-08-26 by HorsesAgain


West African Pidgin English was used as a simple trade language between Europeans and Africans during the Atlantic slave trade in the late 17th and 18th centuries. It became a mix of English and local languages, which is why it's often offensively referred to as broken English.

To explore Chinese innovation, you’ve got to look to the past Despite its popularity, people speak Pidgin with varying levels of fluency. And, as it is not studied in schools, it doesn't exist in a standardised written form. Because Pidgin is seen as an informal language, there is sometimes a stigma around speaking it, which Quansah thinks the new service is helping to break.

Can we cool it with this whole hard on for diversity? They talk like uneducated animals and it shouldn't be "embraced".

Let's stop acting like there's any stop to this.

And we ALL know who's behind it

I dunno man, could be a big (((coincidence)))

yes, ((fat)) ((single)) ((women))

English is fucking English, you either speak it well or you don't.

This Big Black Cock network should be ashamed

Got a nigger boyfriend you're trying to defend or sumptin?

Hence the name

Every story is written by Jamaican Jimmy.


PIDGIN English .... it's like those birds shitting in London or summet

Feels good to slap my dick in the face of retards who were too stupid to understand what I was talking about when I pointed out that Dawkins and Hitchens type faux-intellectuals were dumbing down society irreparably more than 10 years ago.

I don't know about dumbing down society but they accomplished fuck all. Chomsky once laughed and said Dawkins legacy will just be having grieving Western people who lost loved ones question whether or not they'll ever see them again, while not putting a single dent in Islamic fundamentalism.

how does Hitchens work dumb down society?

The god squad has gotten too vocal here lately. I wish there was an internet gulag they could be detained in.

The fact that he's promoted as a serious intellectual despite having far below average intelligence means that all people even more stupid than him have to do to pretend to be smart is parrot his worthless shit. That means that the bar has been lowered so far that the dregs of society are considered smart just for being dumb.

You're to intellectualism what bimbos are to sexual pedigree, whether or not Hitchens work elevated the moral consciousness of society like I think it did, morally you can tell that his character was nothing but a pure and righteous attempt at leaving the world a better place than what he arrived at.

If your idea of intellectualism is somebody who was so stupid he thought the Iraq war was a good idea I think you've found your intellectual level and should stick with it.

I cant believe im seeing the downfall of western civilisation in person

It was fun while it lasted. Hopefully anarchy and tribalism can emerge from the wreckage.

There's no way we'll be that lucky

It's amazing how quickly it's all happened too


BBC? They're British anyway let them lose their souls…not that those WASPS ever had a soul in the first place.

Well I'm not going to be a racist but I've heard similar things happened in the old French colonies in Africa. The French was so 'broken' that it's basically its own dialect that has grown apart from the actual language.

Créole, also known as langage de nègre. ''Petit Nègre'' (literally : little nigger) is also a pidgin language that was spoken by west african nogs

Petit Rogàn

In all seriousness, I think it's a common language in Nigeria

Just another example of the movie "Idiocracy" being a prophecy of the real future,

Holy shit I never laughed this hard.

Let's stop acting like there's any stop to this.

And we ALL know who's behind it