Chipper chips in

105  2017-08-25 by Dennyislife


Compound media is a little subpar or something I dunno cut that part out

Chippy don't play dat!

The sad reality for Jim is that Chip would actually bring in more subs than he as Jim would

This wormy cunt still refuses to mention opies name a man you faggot call him the fuck out by name stop being a bitch you multiple personality cunt.

It is clear to everyone including Opie that he means Opie so I don't see why that matters

Why don't you take your opinion and crawl up that wormy bitch's ass....have a great day fucknuts

Yeah I'm up Jim's ass even though I trashed his radio show, you are a wise one

Sniff sniff

Dis guy's good!

I leech the neighbors wifi I'm good

I thought he was talking about you, cock breath.

Mommy is going to block your internet access if you keep that up

Good one. She may also evict me from my basement apartment as well.

it's actually way funnier this way

This. I love it when inside jokes are clearly explained

You're a fucking idiot

Thanks fuck face I appreciate the love

I needed you guys and ya downvoted me ....sniff

You know you are doing almost the same thing right? Unless your name is actually AntwansBobo...

Wow, Jim REALLY hates Opie.

Have you seen the video of the opster filming Jim on the toilet? Many examples of Jim getting trampled by him on air, but this to me is the most brutal example of how helpless Jim felt in dealing with him.

Litterally the guy would do whatever he wanted to anyone, treated everyone like his personal plaything. But any retaliation, however comedic or small, was taken as a declaration of war.

Jim is a hypersensitive pussy boy (no offense, faggots), and he wanted to keep his job. So he swallowed all of the opsters proverbial cock for as long as he had to.

I think that by not directly addressing the opster, he's handcuffing him into either taking it, or making the leap to acknowledge his own bullshit. I think Jim is attempting to pigeon hole him into recognizing his psychosis.

Either that, or he's a passive aggressive pussyboy.

Oh boy, look at al those words. Maybe make your point....shorter

Sorry I know your attention span is short and you probably haven't read a book since middle school.

TLDR: people have feelings and are therefore faggots.

I think that by not directly addressing the opster, he's handcuffing him into either quietly taking it, or making the leap to acknowledge his own bullshit. I think Jim is attempting to pigeon hole him into recognizing his psychosis.

Honestly, that's way more thought than this deserves.

But being as this is a den of the mentally ill, who are dedicated to this topic more than any other, I think you're spot on.

I come here for the cogent meta-analysis of faggotry. And for the trap pics.

It's not passive aggressive at this point. What could be more direct than what he's been doing? You want him to send opie some anthrax? Since opie was fired Jim has no worries about getting into beef at Sirius by clashing with him. Im enjoying the fook out of it

I'd like to see the fallout of Jim addressing the opster directly. The fact that he doesn't makes me believe there's more to his strategy.

Maybe he's just pandering to us here, while staying out of direct conflict. I acknowledge that possibility also.

I think that by not directly addressing the opster, he's handcuffing him into either quietly taking it, or making

Okay now you're overthinking it.

Oh come on. Seems like the worm is trying to worm into the opsters brain.

I mean you're right insofar as Chip is a direct parody of Opie and he has addressed him in the past, but Jimmy isn't this subtle. His game is to go "YEEEEAH SNIFF PERIOD COCKSUCKAS" we are at the point where nobody cares about Opie.

Have you seen the video of the opster filming Jim on the toilet

Please explain this

Ok, I don't have the link but it was posted fairly recently in the comments of a thread I that I don't remember. Someone here knows about it and can link to it, if you can't find it on Google.

The opster is filming forward as he walks into the bathroom. I don't think we ever see his face but we hear his voice a lot.

First he holds the camera up to the stall door, and starts teasing Jim. Then he holds the camera up over the stall door and Jim tries to block it with his hands and his hoodie. You can see the pain in his eyes, and for a brief moment, his milky white thighs.

He holds the camera there forever and it gets to be really uncomfortable while Jim is squirming and shitting. Then he takes it away, and says see, look up the camera is gone.

Right at that moment he pops the camera under the bottom of the stall door and again Jim starts squirming awkwardly and blocks the camera with his hand.

The opster has a lot of shit to say throughout the entire ordeal, and it's infuriating to watch. If someone did this to me I'd kick the stall door down into them and then stomp their face before wiping my ass or pulling my pants up. I'm sure Jim was thinking about it.

Seems like a lot of people would know about that and it would be heavily upvoted and archived here if it really happened

I watched it two fuckin days ago I'm not making this shit up.

For fucks sake it took me three seconds to find it on Google.

I would bet that not many of the comics actually liked Opie, but the fact that Jim had to work with him day in and day out probably really festered up something greater than a simple dislike

I wondered why Jim signed on with Bob instead of Ant for the podacast. Ant loves Chippa so there must be a reason.


Makes sense

What about having the chip podacast be a free one on CM. It would be a way of bringing traffic to CM.

They've repeatedly shown that they do not put out free shows at all. It is a terrible strategy, but that is what they are going with.

drive the traffic to the website

Uh yeah... that's what he said.

Yea but Keith is too fucking stupid to recognize this

Jim bet that the Chippa would eventually bring in the ad revenue. Based off of the way Bob Kelly was talking this morning, Chip will soon be making some nice pocket change, brothaman.

And payday. The Worm takes the money every time.

I'd never considered that Bobby Kelly could be a better businessman than Tranth because he is so dumb, but there is no way is a worse businessman than Keith the Cop. Anthony trusted someone dumber than Vos or Bobby to run his "network."

Bob claims he was the one that went to Jim about having a Chip podcast on his network. I wonder if Jim would even be allowed to do one on Ants network. Remember when the SXM guys couldn't host shows when Ant went to rehab?

Bobby has a diverse group of listeners and subscribers while Anthonys fan base and subscribers are made up prob 95% of Red Hat MAGA guys and the lowest of the alt right. Just look at who comes into those studios. No one wants to go to Compound bc they don't wanna get associated with those guys or pigeon hole themselves into have a hard core alt right only audience

This is such a joke. I like how the ONLY buzz Jim can get is an Opie jab or as Chip.

Buzz what's he a fawkin bee or sumthin?

Fawk yeah gettin' pollen all over them tootsies N' shit

Judging by the way Op acted around Chip, especially in recent years, this might really get to him.

Ok I get it Norton is a cunt ....but chip does no wrong here my apologies

Hes not wrong

Chip rules.

The US Navy has about 70 submarines. No way could anyone get Compound Media that many subscribers.

Oh come on. Seems like the worm is trying to worm into the opsters brain.

I mean you're right insofar as Chip is a direct parody of Opie and he has addressed him in the past, but Jimmy isn't this subtle. His game is to go "YEEEEAH SNIFF PERIOD COCKSUCKAS" we are at the point where nobody cares about Opie.