So Opie made the whole 50% thing public, but is now blaming Keith for making all this public....I truly hate this man beyond the normal human capacity to hate.

59  2017-08-25 by TangerineReam


I hate that I barely listened to O&J/Opie & the Paycheck Gang yet still can't get this stupid cocksucker out of my life.

Opie is a pc of gawbage.

Anthony Smoothskin gave me a good old hard exhale through my nostrils.

Keith did do a periscope video days ago. He's not wrong. Was before the Artie announcement

So Keith mentioned in the periscope that he offered Opie 50%?

Keith is a shit "businessman" and is now in damage control because the dolt he offered half the company too declined.....and Antwan is still a pock faced racist

Those poor niggers.

"Do some research" said the man who never did a minute of show prep.

Real Housewives and Keeping Up with the Kardashians isn't show prep?

I actually believe Opie on this. I bet Keith floated something without Anthony's permission that sounded like Opie was going to get half. He might not of said 50%, but I could see him saying something that might imply that.

He offered him to buy 50%, not just gifting it to him conditional on coming back.

Opie would get a better return with Herbalife.

Opie is probably a big reason the show wasn't bigger.

And that Nicole Brown kissed a nigger.

Worked hard on the brand,get the fuck out of here.They fell into lotto money, got lazy,fucked up, fell into more lotto money. Worked hard.That's why,Anthony got shit canned,three fat fucks and a retard showed up at Sirius.Opie got nothing,nada no one..If Sirius fired Stern, 20,000 at least.That's working hard. Not two 3rd tier comics and a drunken line cook pop up at a deli..Now they'll work hard or hardly working. .......ha ha ha.

Well put.

When Ant got fired he created his own business. Opie got fired, and he's probably done forever.

By Opie saying he could have had 50%, he's in his deranged way saying him and Ant are still equal.