Photos That Aren't Photoshopped 2/69

23  2017-08-25 by A_Friendly_Creeper


They're not people!

Oh yea, you're a cantaloupe!

swarthy af

I think I killed him in Assassin's Creed 4.

whos this flea market swindler?

A man of Berber lineage from Carthage

What a shit weave.

Leslie Phillips muthahucka.

Doesn't beat the Tyson one

He was an extra in Aladdin..

Turkish restaurant manager.


You are a bad man Jerry!

very very bad!

I don't doubt that this photo of a Cypriot pickpocket is real. I just wonder what it has to do with O&A.

Someone did 1/69 earlier on and I continued with part 2. Obviously, it's not going for a third.

probably the best he'll ever look. love the guy but he sure has seedy back alley rapist written all over him

I think that guy was in American Me.

How this Libyan arse bandit can look in the mirror and convince himself he's Caucasian speaks to how delusional and mentally unhinged he really is. He looks like he should be on a no-fly list.

That man is not Caucasian