That faggot cry-baby nazi featured on VICE tried to do stand-up - It was, you guessed it, HILARIOUS!

9  2017-08-25 by crookedmile


Nothing he said registered to me. I was distracted by his weird nervous breathing and flailing and pacing around like a meth head.

That big fat cunt who brought him up made me laugh though, because he literally had a fat voice. If I heard that guy speak without seeing him, I'd know exactly what he looks like. Flamed bowling shirt and all.

If I heard that guy speak without seeing him, I'd know exactly what he looks like. Flamed bowling shirt and all.

That man's gut should win a fucking award. For what, I have no idea.

I love the fence. It keeps the civilian trash where they belong.

The MC is a fluent Big A.

These far right dudes have less self awareness then even the lame sjw's

At least the sjw's know their effeminate cornballs these dudes on the right actually think their intimidating tough guys.

An unfunny wannabe Nazi. I wonder what his username is.

I don't know -just as good (bad) as aziz and the other poo in loos or any tampon comic... Was Vos his opener?

Did he steal Big Gays shirt.

Nice Bill Hicks Cadence.