What's up with Jimmy's Russian 'girl'-friend? Tapped-out of J&S months ago...

14  2017-08-25 by FlowbeeYourTits

I hear snippets of Jimmy talking about vacations 'outside of the U.S.' due to some Russian chick... what's the deal, why can't 'she' come to the US? Is this some kind of Russian Mob scam that is going to end poorly?


Sometimes you fall for a "girl" on Chaturbate and give the Russian mob upwards of $60K to see the "lady" you've fallen for and who cannot legally enter the US.

If that ends up happening, the entire saga will be another great era for this cess pool.

oh shiiiiit... Yeah, I heard him mention he 'thinks he's ready for marriage' on Ant's show... What an idiot...

Considering that Jimmy had dinner with his parents last night (the same parents he doesn't see for Christmas or Thanksgiving), I'd say there's actually a decent chance that he proposes to the webcam "girl" while in Iceland. I doubt that the Russian mob will allow that so there's a good chance it might not end well....

His new persona: Dead Jimmy.

Raped by countless Russian chop-jobs Jimmy.

Wingless Moth has been saying this for the past two weeks on the Shit and Sham Doe.

Good for him, but thought she was Colombian.

Can you blame him? How many times can Jimmy get stood up by some chick in her 20's before he starts to seriously consider blowing his brains out?

Maybe he can give a 30 y/o a try in the interim? He has no attractive or masculine traits and only looks well put together when next to the agressively ugly Sam, he has a well documented history of sexual perversions, seemingly 0 social ability when it comes to real world interactions, and a career that peaked as an extra on cable TV. Maybe the 20 year old models are just saying they'll go out with him so the creepy twitching man will let them go home.

"Aggressively ugly" is the best way to describe that mutant Sam.

Could he not find some tolerable gold digger here in the states? Fucking needy, uppity lil worm.

I'm betting he doesn't really have 'gold digger white 24yo american' kind of money... Mail order bride yes.... I think all of this got started with his crush on Paola from 90 day fiance...

Haha, i remember that... i was curious why that chick was brought up so much for a while there. The show really is dictated by Jimmy's lil peckah and Sam's homoerotic love of theatrical wrestling.

I don't know for sure what's happening here gang but I hope little yimmy finds happiness

He deserves a sweet boy of his own

I hope he tries to find happiness at the bottom of the bottle, maaaaaaaaan.

yeh y dont she slow down or s`umptin

It will turn out to actually be a Nigerian e-mail scammer.

Or a Trinidadian wife like Big A.

The Scammer is getting Scammed.

The visa and immigration system is a bitch btw

Where does this webcam girl stuff come from? Is there audio?

Norton's 'Russian girlfriend' is Fez's 'girlfriend in Canada'. Next he'll have a cat that he is convinced speaks to him.