I hope Opie dies soon.

39  2017-08-25 by Dennyislife

only because I want to see how people struggle to pay tribute to him.


I look forward to the eulogy.

What can we say about Opie Hughes? Other than "who?"

I'd be counting all the empties .... seats that is , brotherman!

I actually hope he lives for a very long time, hating his total irrelevance. All alone

This thread is an incognito debate on death penalty

Opie will always be a legend. And you will always be a loser, sir.

Don't talk about yourself in the third person, Tits.

What are you interrupting the hive mind faggot?

But seriously, half your posts defend tits. Are you by chance posting from Vietnam?

I want Anthony to speak at his funeral and convince the mourners that he was secretly gay.

In regards to Opie or himself?


Terry Clifford will go to make sure he is dead

Sit on him to finish the job.

Weases over the top blubbering and kissing the body will let the cat out of the bag about their secret homosexual relationship turning into a Mc Greevy confession

I had to read this thing there fucking times... It's spelled: Wease's

"What can you say about Greg "Opie" Hughes; a man who had been doing radio since he was 18..."

(Consternation in the pews as the other mourners cross that line off their already too-short speeches. "Fuck thisch," said Vos, "Im gonna go shetup the mertsch table")

It would be great if his death were captured on video and it goes viral.

A basket ball hoop should be involved somehow.

I don't think even Bearman would show up.

I really don't know what he's gonna do. I feel like the guy is in SERIOUS trouble. For the lifestyle he's been accustomed to, there is no fucking way he's gonna get a gig anywhere near what he made at Sirius at this point, without the "Opie & Anthony" name brand. I hope for his sake (objectively speaking) he's got plenty tied up in investments/other sources of income or security.

I feel like a garage sale is in his near future and moving trucks in front of his building.

Oh from your lips to God's ears