Literally all women are dumb

7  2017-08-25 by Single_Action_Army



will Ant ever come out of the closet?

While I agree with the general sentiment, don't be shy... what have those clams done to you recently?

They all sucked my peckah dvv dvv

dumb enough to think they always deserve the same pay as most men around them, just because they are working near them in some fashion.

cum harbouring meatbags who selfishly give life to misery, the annihilation of the ovary is the only road that leads to utopia. what else is there to say.

Tell us about your mother...

my muddas a saint on urt

They can't be that dumb, if they don't fuck any of you guys, no offense.


Tossy gets all the puss boys

Women appreciate a good butt licking.

I'm Paul R Nelson and I approve of this message.

Why aren't you sucking dick at r/mgtow

Not necessarily dumb. Gullible and naive, though.

we would have taken your word for it. weve all talked to women before. no need to site your sources. christ almighty.

There's really no reason for them to be though, or at least not until a generation ago.