Reminder: Joe Cumia believed people would donate $10,000 to fund more of these.

34  2017-08-24 by ElmerDudd


WARNING!! At times I can be a real fucking tool!!

Times such as "all the."

Nice double exclamation marks, you pile of shit.

Allthe whatya writing a book or sumptin

I like the parts where he shuts up and noodles his guitar.

I don't get why he didn't have a simple "pipe and drapes" set to hang behind him, to make some semblance of looking like he was in an actual studio. I don't know why he felt he needed a 'video element.' I don't know why he didn't spend $600 on a Zoom recorder and a microphone and try it as a straight up audio podcast first.

he's north African

It's like PFG TV if Scorch wasn't talented.

Who the fuck would watch this.

What the fuck is up with the abbreviated phone number deal? Please someone know what that's supposed to stand for. Maybe it's the password for his Sons of Anarchy roleplay clubhouse.

How is everyone here so dumb?

It CLEARLY stands for "Me: Fucking Fruity Faggot - Oh My Nigger God!"


The Joseph Cumia Show was quite an embarrassing example of little brother envy.

Not enough distortion in the intro.

It's ironic that Joe was complaining about arabs in the dennys running amuck because if I saw him I would assume he was middle eastern or a miscellaneous ethnic.

Miscellaneous ethnic

I'm stealing that one for my friends to say around the house to amuse myself.

How is everyone here so dumb?

It CLEARLY stands for "Me: Fucking Fruity Faggot - Oh My Nigger God!"