Isn't gay. Guzzles cum by the bowlful. Definitely not gay though.

15  2017-08-24 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


It aint queer if its got tits and wears dresses

Does his suit have extra shoulder? He cant fill out those shoulders

where is he at for this? the tranpeckah film festival?? fawk yea!

Awwww, look. He's wearing grown-up clothes.

Tribeca? Tss More like try peckah

I love a man named Chip Lyle Chippersom but have a hateful rage for James Q. Norton

out of all the kid insults i never get to use anymore, "cum guzzler" is probably the one i miss the most.

Looks like a homosexual serial killer rapist wearing the clothes of his victim.

Little shrimp probably thinks he's handsome here

What an awful, ill fitting jacket.

At least his jacket sleeves aren't way too long.