"Proud Boys" Abandon Western Culture To Promote Alcoholism And Degeneracy

10  2017-08-24 by NRL4F1


It's really fun watching him piss himself lately

My deepest desire is for Dante Nero to end up on trial for war crimes.

sucking boi pussy is war crime now?

Please somebody make a compilation of all of the retards who got Proud Boy tattoos.

You can just say people with Proud Boy tattoos

I think he's just afraid of being culpable of some murder down the line

I know Gavin is trying to pivot into becoming some kind of conservative pundit but after shoving a buttplug up your ass on camera I think you're not gonna get the Rush Limbaugh audience

Gavin is retard. best he can aim for is to be some version of joe rogan but with right leaning.

Usually when you plan on fucking over your core audience you slowly transition as to not turn them away instantly. Alex Jones seems to be doing this fairly well-- going from a crazy 9/11 truther,human sacrifices at Yale type kook to a "vote Republican and listen to your President and get a job!" Conservative radio host.

I think his Hillary-voting wife threatened to leave him if he didn't stop upsetting her faggot friends.

Sounds like they're abandoning western culture to promote western culture.

I don't think reputable news sources use the phrase "cucked servitude".

I'm so glad Gavin's alt-right charade is finally catching up to him. Nothing about this dude's ideology seemed sincere, and his fucking FAGGOT proud boys were too stupid to realize that. And once his new show comes out, whatever boiz are left to support him, they're gonna ditch him because the show will be more politically/socially centered (maybe even more Left) than his sheep would prefer.

But we will stop getting little gold nuggets like [these](reddit!) :(

I don't think the proud boys would care if he was gay. As long as he upheld what he believes to be Western ideals.

May be they're trying to a massive allegory of Western civilization, starting off as a bit racist and turning into pussy anti-racists, drunks, and retards.

Pretty sure the proud boys claimed to be a bunch of guys that get together for beer for a long time.

Video linked by /u/OreoCream67:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
THE SECRETS OF THE PROUD BOYS WITH GAVIN MCINNES Tim Pool 2017-04-28 0:10:24 5,617+ (96%) 106,313


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Proud Boys (1985) Comedy * 1/2 - Longtime friends Stu (Corey Feldman) and Lance (Sean Astin) are forced spend the summer at a New Mexico dude ranch after stealing a car. With Dana Plato as "Desiree", Nancy McKeon as "Becky Sue" and Jack Klugman as "Ol' Hoss". R, sexual situations, nudity, language, frank depictions of drug use (101 min)

Video linked by /u/OreoCream67:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
THE SECRETS OF THE PROUD BOYS WITH GAVIN MCINNES Tim Pool 2017-04-28 0:10:24 5,617+ (96%) 106,313


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