everything outside this sub stinks

5  2017-08-24 by boring_oneliner

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yes i told a fag to kill himself. i got banned for that. fawking haaaaaaaaaaaters

You're a bully and you should not have been mean to that young boy.

Someone should paddle your bottom.

you might like a video game called "Player Unknown Battlegrounds". It's a battle royale on an island, and each match starts with 100 people skydiving out of a plane; voice chat is determined by proximity, so everyone can hear each other on the plane.

one out of three games has someone yelling "faggot" or "nigger" repeatedly, until i or they jump out of the plane. it may give you comfort.

computer games are for niggers

well this nigger is making 14 grand monthly at Dusty Gardens in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2

Game devs are creatively bankrupt. EVERY single fucking game to come out the last 3+ years has been either a day z battle royal rip off, a 2d platformer in black and white starring a child, a sequel shooter or a MOBA.

The Japanese still make amazing games. Nier automata, yakuza 0, and persona 5 all came out this year and were great

Nier Faot

That girl has balls

of course she does. she's futanari. it would be weird if she did not have balls.

Dat laydee has a PECKAH!

isnt nier some dogshit ripoff of the dark souls games, i dnno i only play fighting games mainly tekken 7

Who do you think you're talking too? I know this, nigga.

Yakuza zero was fantastic.

Play automata nigga. It's somehow better than yakuza

This does seem fun.

"it may give you comfort"

That game is tense as a mug.

I just hate that you have to search for gear every time. so unnecessary and annoying.

Pffft... r/gonewild fucking rules. Almost as good as this sub.

Just go shitpost with the pedos and GoT fans on 4chan's /tv/ board instead.