Theory. Jim Norton is gay.

60  2017-08-24 by Dennyislife

I know. Crazy but hear me out. These ladies with extra gifts are actually men dressing as women and Jimmy enjoys sucking their cocks.


Hot Takes are Joyomi's territory, sir.

Not a theory, just fact.

At this point, the only theory as to why he hasn't come out as a screaming homosexual must be tied into his upbringing somehow. Maybe the Irish Catholic thing, maybe his marine dad's disapproval. Who knows. What we do know is that guys with fake tits don't equal women. Plus he hangs out with real women purely for friendship. No hetero guys do that, unless they want to or are fucking them.

Never even thought about Jimmy just hanging out with his beards, truly awful.

In the gayest ways possible. 3 that he's discussed before: Shoe shopping, candle shopping and the ocassional Fro Yo craving. He also mentioned spending the weekend at a B&B upstate in a completely platonic way with a female friend

Can you imagine sharing a B&B room with a female "friend" for the weekend, paying for it and not trying to at least get her to nosh you off?

No, neither can I.

I went camping on the beach with a female "friend" for a weekend. Yeah we did fun activities and i had a great weekend, but my intentions were to fuck her from the moment I agreed to go. We ended up naked together at least, she passed out and rather than go for the slam-dunk rape laying next to me. I stared at her naked ass while i stroked my sad booze/coke dick in my sleeping bag. All and all, a nice little weekend.

I think you're too close to the situation to acknowledge how tragic this story is.

Yeah bro, doing coke in a tent on the beach is fawwwkin brootal!... It's really windy and you end up snorting a lot of sand by mistake, but you still get fawkin zooted!!! Oh, that's not what you were talking about?

She sounds like a right prick tease, but in the grand scheme of things, you chose the right option. You have some good wank material to this day and you didn't go to prison (again) for rape - longer sentence.

Laughed at (again). I know too many people on here's back stories.

Sir, I come from a secluded Island, and can only assume to "Nosh" is to suck on ones peckah.

A beard is a fake girlfriend/wife that a gay guy (usually a celebrity) has for publicity purposes - Bradley Cooper/Will Smith/Tom Cruise/John Travolta etc. The narrative is they fuck.

Jim's "girlfriends" - by his own admission- are just buddies he goes shopping with, gets frozen yogurt with and gossips with. Just like one of the gals/or gay BFs.

maybe his marine dad's disapproval.

So you think his former marine father would be more disgusted by Jim being openly gay than he has been having Jim tell stories on the radio and TV about blowing other boys as a kid, fucking trannies, eating the asses of trannies, hookers and strange women, letting hookers and trannies shit on his chest and piss on him and all the other degenerate things he's done over his life?

Damn his father must really hate fags.

That would be pretty funny if Jim's father actually hated fags that much.

Even better if that was when he "put his foot down"/"Drew the line in the sand"

And Jim took that as a test of How Far Can I Go? Like Chippah said "That Mugs only got one toe left in da closet"

A lot of his fan base would probably reject him.

And none want to

He can't come out to us until he comes out to himself. He hasn't truly faced his real lust for men. Denial.

It's a theory in the same sense that gravity and evolution are theories.

Go on...

Norton, Colin, and Artie should all just come out together and save everyone the time.

Sexuality is a spectrum, you can be a little gay, and no one is 100% straight but he is full fag.

Sexuality is a spectrum

It's really not. You're either straight or mentally ill.

You can be full gay, but you can't be full straight? Sounds like the words of a faggot!

No one is full straight? That's some bullsugar.

This is the most outrageous claim I have ever heard. I thought this sub was above this kind of slander. Jimmy doesn't enjoy sucking their cocks , he loves it.

He also enjoys sucking the "tootsies" of younger gentlemen.

What don't you dummies know the difference between slander and libel? Motherfucker wrote it. That's libel.

He's just a faggot

He's dealing with his sexuality worse than Fez did. Just come out you fucking queen. Stop wasting time & money convincing no one but yourself that you're straight.

Oh boy, I can't wait until pictures of his "gf" leak online....

No nudes, though; the last thing I need is another child pornography conviction.

You're thinking of Anthony.

hes def bi. he likes tits and dicks.

AJ? Is that you?

hes def bi.

That thing when you have sex with women but you're also a fag?

Its called poisoning the well and being greedy

Dat's Bam.

Jim fucks fag women.

May Life on earth never know a manifestation of your username.

not sure if you are serious or not. but it exists.

More like B-U-Y, amirite??

def bi af 4 sho

Checks out

How many cocks must a man suck on before he's truly a fag...

The answer my friend is Jim blowin' on a man, the answers, Jim blowin' on a man.

(If you have a cock in your mouth once, that's very gay, how about a bunch of cocks in your mouth, since you were a child, that's super gay.)

Oh man. Hey, did you hear that Opie has tits?

Theory, the sun is hot.

He's definitely bi, he admitted it on the air last week

From a few shows i've heard, it sounds like trolling for lady boys is not out of the question.

If it were the early 90's, this theory would be met with "no doy." Also Jim would only be on his 434th gay encounter.

I honestly think he's asexual. The rest is just a hack bit

The trannies loving thing is def a hack bit

only the biggest meatiest vaginas for jim.

>implying traps are gay

In the last podacast he made a joke about just coming out already. He's projecting that he wants to come out, give it 6 months, a year tops.

He came out on the most recent Chip podacast, cmon babe pay attention

I tapped out of those.

FACT: Jim Norton creampied a grown black man's asshole.

I bet Jim is good housewife

I'd say you're probably right. The way he gushes over his "gay friend's" taste in decor seems a little light in the loafers to me.

Are you kidding? Look at the gay twinkle in his eyes every time he posts a video on twitter.

I was listening to some podcast. I think it was LoS and had Nick Mullen on and they were joking about some other comic saying he's pretending to be bisexual to try and imitate more successful comics such as Jim Norton. Somebody responds saying that Jim isn't really out of the closet though. It really made it seem that Jim is genuinely gay and fucks guys, and people who know him know this but he isn't out publicly.

I'm gossipy faggot.

What episode?

I remember another Cumtown ep where Nick us discussing how fucking trannies is kind of "thing" among NYC comics, like a quirk they affect to seem unique. That screamed Jim Norton.

I think it might be episode 319 but I'm not really sure.

No straight man diets and works out to have Jimmy’s body type. He’s definitely doing that for other gay men. He’s also definitely the bottom.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Jim is into chicks, but he's gayer than the average homosexual.

Of course he is gay,

He is a pretty feminine dude who bitches like a woman. I believe it

He keeps saying trannies are women. If that were true he would have no need for one with a dick attached.


I hope he comes out and finds happiness in his true self.

Theory: Norton has Fez tenancies. Isn't funny on radio In love with his former Co host Locks up if someone funnier/harder life experience is in studio

Never even thought about Jimmy just hanging out with his beards, truly awful.

maybe his marine dad's disapproval.

So you think his former marine father would be more disgusted by Jim being openly gay than he has been having Jim tell stories on the radio and TV about blowing other boys as a kid, fucking trannies, eating the asses of trannies, hookers and strange women, letting hookers and trannies shit on his chest and piss on him and all the other degenerate things he's done over his life?

Damn his father must really hate fags.

A lot of his fan base would probably reject him.

And none want to

He can't come out to us until he comes out to himself. He hasn't truly faced his real lust for men. Denial.

Laughed at (again). I know too many people on here's back stories.