Welfare recipient on vacation from being unemployed

15  2017-08-24 by crookedmile


So Joe has to take these neighborhood kids out to eat at a shitty franchise buffet before they'll spit in his mouth for sexual reasons?

He's upgraded. Remember the old days before Ant upped his allowance, when he'd have to sit outside the elementary school pushing tootsie rolls through the fence?

At least the victims get a bloomin onion out of it now.

'Zat the one Anth's dating?

The girl in the first pic? Yeah.

Had to be. She's his type. I can tell.

A place that has plastic purple plates, is not a fine dining establishment. Also, who the fuck has been to Kissimmee? what the hell is there?

Disney world. u know, the biggest vacation area in the world

I'm not from the U.S. so I had no idea, I thought Orlando had Disney world. Looks like spitting Joe wins this round.

fair enough. Kissimmee is right next to Orlando and I bealive the dinsey property (which is giant) overlaps into both areas. A lot of Disney related things are in Kissimiee along with hotels and I-drive ( long strip of road with attractions , bars and restaurants) etc.

Orlando has the airport ( so u fly into Orlando international)

As much as I hate ol' phlegm boy I actually have a deep love for central Florida and robot pirates :)

Purple plastic plates for Italians equals Michelin five stars

You do realize the shits that these kids create after eating at the Golden Corral?

He's the Walter White of Jenkem manufacturing.

Think he took them to Disney? Or was this vacation on Uncle Ant's dime?

what a piece of shit. I wish a brick would have slipped loose and hit him in the head as he walked out the door

His wife looks like she smells bad.

you really can just look at someone & tell that they have shit for brains, I think it's an evolutionary function

The Golden Corral gave it away

Carol Maxheimer has terrible taste in men.

If he says golden corale 10 times they give him a free pie

race race race race does this dunce ever give it a break even at a family lunch?

Whatever happened when he was bragging about going on a diet?

Is the old blonde chick Joe's broad and the mother of the sort of niece that Anthony is currently fucking?

By the looks of it, the blonde woman is someone he met at a bar and those two kids are blond woman’s grand kids.

Joe's kid looks like Stalker Patti.

Probably victim to similar sexual torment

What a fucking nigger.

Your girlfriend's hair is awful Joe

He is one pathetic loser
