Why is Jewish "comedy" channel h3h3 so popular on reddit?

2  2017-08-24 by beleca

I had never heard of them and then suddenly their first video gets tons of attention on reddit, and since then their unfunny shit constantly gets spammed all over reddit. I suspect it has something to do with their Jewishness, but it's hard to pin down exactly. Who laughs at that shit? Coughing is so fucking funny, what an original comedic voice. Thought I'd ask the comedy experts


If you use reddit for anything other than this sub, you're very likely a homosexual and thus, unwelcome here.

Let's leave my love of big juicy delicious cocks out of this

you just asked "why is shitty music/movies/etc popular?", does that really need an elaborate answer? anyway go to r/funny and youll have your answer, that is reddit.

Really it's more that they were unheard of, them out of nowhere got a huge following on reddit despite being so unfunny. I'd understand if they had an old channel with some subscribers and then made a new one and all their fans helped promote the new one on reddit, but they literally went from not having a channel to millions of views in like a day after going "viral" on reddit. It might make sense if they were funny, but they're not. They're painfully unfunny. I just don't understand how they came out of nowhere and with no talent became youtube "comedians". And like I said, the question of their Jewishness seems like it must be related, I just can't find any solid proof. Mossad, maybe? Making the Jews in Israel seem more like humans and less like Arab-genociding, American foreign policy-controlling lizard people?

Are they Jewish? For some reason I thought she was Argentinian.

Straight outta Israel

sir, 99.9% of all "comedy" channels on youtube that are popular, and even those that are less popular, are horrifically unfunny. the next logical question is why are they popular when they stink, well the only remaining factor is the people who watch that horseshit. conclusion: most people arent funny and like watching people with the same autist humor.

The only video I've ever seen of them is one called Vape Nation a long time ago, it was actually pretty good. I think they made a couple funny videos and the rest of them suck.

I've seen a couple of their vids and turned off pretty quickly. They just seem tired and have weird glazed looks -- especially the girl.

shouldn't it be called h33b ?