This can't be a real person

40  2017-08-24 by greygooser


Opie is being kicked out to his shitty garage "man cave" cause his wife can't handle him being home all day.

Agreed, he couldn't even figure out how to take a proper photo so the flash isn't all over the damn place. That's probably his basement.

Yeah, but at least he lined up the picture frames when he hung them.

Of all the reasons to hate Opie, thinking he's a photographer is one of my favorites.

Times square and a sunset. The two photos every shitdick with a disposable Kodak takes on their family vacation.

He points his camera at things and presses a button.

Don't tell me you're a real photographer until you're beat up by a black whore.

Have an upvote friend. opie stinks, and I don't like him.

Those are nice pictures.

I'd love for Opie to succeed in a field where he can't open his fucking yap and ruin everything.

you know what? fuck you

He should try suicide demonstration.

SNOWAYY What do you mean not a real person? Isn't it normal to have eyebrows halfway down your face?

Sprucin up the ol mancave, am I right fellas?

Its nice to have a place to get away to when the ol' ball and chain starts nagging!... But seriously though, she's lost her youth and figure I once loved, i'm too pathetic to find anyone else and too much of a coward to kill myself. So i'll just pop in my Loud and Rowdy CD, stare at my Opie photos and spend another lonely evening getting blackout drunk in my cold garage.

you see those paintings in motel rooms you take whores to

Gregshells: I don't have time! [to watch some conspiracy theory video] Vos: Oh, really? Just skip one sunset. sniggering in the background Greggshells: ...That old gag.

Dock at sunset

That river looks fucking disgusting. It looks like its full of used condoms and dead mafia associates. I dont understand why new york is so glorified. Its a fucking rats nest.

Found the rube from Ohio

There are children being raped on camera in that garage, that's who has Opie photography in their house.

collecting "evidence" huh?

He should put full cat litter box under it for the smell to remind you of opie even more

He should put a full cat litter box under to it for smell remind him even more of opie

He should add a pint of gas and a match. That would spruce things right up.

beep beep here comes the faildozer

He points his camera at things and presses a button.

Don't tell me you're a real photographer until you're beat up by a black whore.

Have an upvote friend. opie stinks, and I don't like him.