Louie jerking his spanky in front of comediennes is his funniest work in years

84  2017-08-24 by Compound_MediaPR

These dumb unfunny whores go up to his room thinking they're going to get their retarded ideas heard, but instead he blocks the door and they have to watch his little pink urethra push out clumpy elmer's glue.


I think the question we all need to ask ourselves is if we were that famous, would we also rape?

When you get famous enough they let you rape em in the pussy


Well I am totally not famous and a rapist, does that answer your question?

I did one open mic and the thought crossed my mind.

I thought his last special was funny. Not his best work, but still better than most the garbage stand up on Netflix.

You don't find Gabriel Iglesias trying to justify being a great big fat person through standup funny?

Seriously. He's up against that, Amy Schumer making pig noises, and Dana Carvey. Dana Carvey.

I used to love Dana Carvey when I was younger. He was the first comedian I remember seeing from when I used to watch Johnny Carson repeats with my Dad

Watch the latest Norm podcast with Dana, he's really funny. His last stand up special was shitty, but that interview reminded me of how funny he is.

Who is that cunt?

He's not fat, he's fluffy.

Fluffy! hahaha what a hoot

He should build his entire career around that.

I find his 20 min stories trying to get to a easily foreseeable punchline to be hil-arious!

I want to get that soundclip of Louis on O&A saying 'I showed my dick to a retarded girl once', I think it needs repeatedly sending to Tigless Notaro

Don't forget he had the family dog lick peanut butter off his dick.

Cream cheese

Whatever. That Spike still had a dog lick his dick.

I don't know how to time stamp. Listen in at 3:13 https://youtu.be/x4vxSf15aBA

hot take

lol. I remember Louis CK wrote that long winded letter condemning America for voting for Trump. /lol

No wonder he supported the Clintons so much, he is a rapist at heart. Bill would be proud.

ITSA GOOF!!! everybody calm down

Don't forget he had the family dog lick peanut butter off his dick.

I don't know how to time stamp. Listen in at 3:13 https://youtu.be/x4vxSf15aBA