Users of this sub with AIDS?

0  2017-08-23 by Single_Action_Army

And don't say me because we already know that.


Way to out yourself, faggot.

Whoa, watch out for Mr. Hetero over here.
I bet you kiss girls, faggot.

Some call me the gangster of love.

Ironically and spitefully.

I had chlamydia once.

Same, but I wish I had AIDS too, work around can get hectic sometimes, amirite ladies?

I wish I had the Magic Johnson kind that makes you immortal.

I hooked with a homeless girl I met in a psych ward once who might have had HIV but I don't think I got it

Ever hear of the Bareback Brotherhood?

I do but I caught it from a toilet seat.

Don't call her that.

i got it from proud boy tattoo

It's not AIDS it's gay related autoimmune deficiency disease.

Currently HIV negative but I am open to anything.

I probably have it but I will never get tested

Some call me the gangster of love.

Ironically and spitefully.