Another great Stern show - Jeff the Vomit Guy

2  2017-08-23 by crookedmile

3 days in a row. "Imma vomit lova"


Seeing how Compound is falling apart, I'm starting to respect Howard more and more for keeping it together.

he figured out early that you need to take a lot of vacation days, away from everyone in order for it to function.

that and you need to be a jew in jew-run industry.

But in the beginning of his career jews weren't relevant in media. He kinda brought them into the media. He's really a fascinating guy.

jews run media since printing press was invented.

That's who I am, that's what I like.

im confused, hasn't this happened already on stern? they made it sound like "Jeff's dream is finally coming true" but i could have sworn I heard an old tape of something similar on sternthology earlier this summer.

They've tried a few times but this is the first time, that I know of, where some broad actually gave him a Roman shower.

Use to love Jeff the vomit guy, He is the epitome of "ghoul"

Do Sal and Richard even exist on the 2017 Stern show? Are they still funny?

(yes, I know they were never funny and are fucking scumbaags)

Oh yeah. Richard took a beating on Monday if I'm not mistaken.

They exist on no-guest days when Howard wants to bring in one of his employees and tear them to shreds for doing anything other than his show.

Memet was the best thing on the show in the last year, and they have pretty much ban him from being on air. Great work

What did happen to him?

He started to have a weird meltdown on the air, and i guess Howard decided thats enough

This was the best week of radio in years. Sad thing is it was only for 3 days and it was Howard's show.

Nice try hater-everyone knows howards on break til april 2022...