Stuttering John thinks he's an original comic like Louis CK and Colin Quinn? He was only funny when he stuttered offensive questions written for him by Howard, Jackie & Fred

85  2017-08-23 by OochyWally


Oh no, why is he retweeting himself? Is he in a bad place?

He has to be suicidally depressed. IIRC he was making $500,000 a year with Leno as an announcer, a gig which only lasted 5 years. When the show came back on air he worked in an off-air capacity probably making a fraction of his previous salary. After income taxes, and after his divorce in 2012 it's fair to assume he's nearly broke. He also has a daughter whose trans, living as a dude, and going by the name of "Knight". I'm just glad she didn't choose some forced, uncommon, over the top, masculine first name.

.........someone paid this fucking idiot 500k a year?

The daughter living as a dude thing has to be much worse than the opposite. I mean at least your son has a nice pair of tits if he thinks he's a female.

Google: Knight Melendez. To me she's just a dyke who got a mastectomy. My guess is that her mental instability is what caused John's divorce. Trans people tend to be extremely narcissistic and very mentally unstable. She's most likely on tons of meds. Must of been a nightmare dealing with her bullshit 24/7.

u/TinKnockinMoroccan , comment?

The only medication I take is a coupla aleve and my morning container a coffee.

From her top surgery GoFundMe;

"Hi, my name is Knight Melendez, and I am a multiply disabled working class white passing mixed race queer trans guy."

They love being the victim. They love saying they're disabled but will never admit that maybe they are not mentally fit enough to make such a huge decision. And she's a rich girl begging for online donations. Pathetic generation.

Right. Isn't it more "brave" to admit that you're confused and should try to seek outside help, rather than fully commit to major life changes because you know best?

A more perfectly phrased Reddit comment I have never seen. The majority of trans folks suffer serious psychological issues and if it were up to me I'd classify gender confusion as a disability and certainly putting them in the military would not be at the top of my list.


You assholes sound like the triggered ones. I love that you guys love to call others mentally ill while you spend your time here making pedo jokes and listening to fucking nazis. I'm sure they're far mentally superior to the men here who spend all their time on reddit talking about how superior they are and how ~un pc~ they are like it's some sort of badge of honor.

What the fuck are you doing here?

Nothing more contemptible than a modern Howard fan, advocating liberal ideologies without comprehending that their hero is a narcissist with no real value system who manipulates idiots like them for money and attention. Or maybe Lena Dunham really is a genius like Einstein and Mozart and Howard thinks so.

What do you do for a living, character?

I actually don't have any audio files of Nazis fucking.

Sorry, your phone crapped out.

multiply disabled working class white passing mixed race queer trans guy.

Welp, guess it's time to get the death squads up and running again.

It's the online equivalent of stuttering.

what's a coozi? a Jacuzzi? a boat?

It's one of those foam cylinders you put a beer can or bottle in to keep it cold.

Just remember, blow me first...THEN Jacuzzi.

Ddddddija eevhahahhhahahaa fard in a cachas face?

JOHN: What did you do with the money?

RINGO STARR: What money?

JOHN: Th-the money you were given for music lessons!

Are the poker cronies attacking john yet

where can I buy a coozi?-I may be interested it sounds like a chinese chick who squirts.

70% of John's act is still Stern references. He's out of his mind.

To be fair, that's less than Artie

He says Artie stole the cohosting job from him. Hes such a delusional joke

You know he may actually be right. For all I know he is more original than artie. But I assume he's bad at it.

Speaking of CQ, his New York Story is great, I suggest you watch it.

Is he still running for office? Isn't one of his kids trans now?

Artie Lange does sell a mean hat.

yeah artie is just a semi -quick witted dummy like Norton. meh.

That's way better than a dim witted stuttering John.

yeah I don't know wtf john is all about. Artie is just not that kind of comic.

His whole twitter account is dedicated to trying to manifest drama between himself and people he worked with 20 years ago. He has special needs for sure.

Even he doesn't believe this. The "Let's face it" bit proves he's just trolling.

In a few days, he'll claim he was doing this to drum up some hype for the AA show, because he's such a bro.

This dude is 8 kinds of delusional, pitiful garbage, and a royal jackass, to boot.

And who needs to face this?

He event stutter tweets.

From Stern to Leno to working the drive thru at White Castle.

I have no opinion about this guy but I love how hateful you people are.

If you ever want to see how retarded this guy is watch his interjections into the Henry Hill interview on Stern. Rarely have I seen somebody appear so nakedly retarded on air, and Howard right told him to get the fuck out of the studio. He's a painful human being.

I agree. When I think of the best 'original' comics, no doubt that it's Colin, Louis C.K., and John Melendez.

I could give a fuck that he called Louis or artie hacks but saying that about Colin is unforgivable

He's beyond delusional. Bet he misses holding up that coffee cup.

Maybe Grillo can go squat in his apartment and cock slap him.

Shove a baked potato up his ass.

grasso... tun faccio culo cosi

Please refer to John only as Senator Melendez.

YyyyyyyEvver fart in your hand and smell it?

John was doing a club in Tampa last weekend. I got an email for free tickets. I went to the site the day of show and only 8 out of 200 seats were bought.

Yeah, he's "like Quinn [and] C.K.". Oof, the chills.