Cut my pie into pieces, I need a bigger fork.

198  2017-08-23 by TinKnockinMoroccan



No breathing

Don't give a fuck

Bout my apnea, sleeping

Cause I'm losin my toes,

losin' my feet

Due to this diabetes disease.

Nothings alright

Nothing is fine

I'm running and I'm eating

He isn't running anywhere

Nothings alright

Nothing is fine

I'm eating and I'm crying

Fuck that was so obvious

I can't lose weight eating this way.


Is that the amount of uncles you haven't fucked?



bet his poop is, amirite guys?

Holy shit kill yourself

I'm going to but not over this you bitch

Guhdammmit babe....Cut that part out!!

Would it be wrong would it be right

If I snuck downstairs

Had some more pie tonight

ive never listened to big gay but just from this sub i can tell he dangerously approaching opie hate territory

The thing is when he's motivated he's funny. Like on that Roastmasters last month where everybody bombed so the judges had to save the show. So he's better than Opie but he's been lazy. And he's godawful on Bonfire I guess because he can't smoke weed like he does on Skanks. Maybe he's depressed he was told by people he was going to be a star and had to watch Soder get the career he thought he'd have. He's sitting in a studio with his tranny voiced girlfriend and no weed and probably can't even vape while Dan is doing the show on set from a fairly popular TV show. Then Luis telling him last week his shitty look is holding back his career really hurt his feelings, yet he's probably not going to change out of spite.

You can hear his spirit break on that last LoS episode. It was wonderful.

"So Jay, do you ever think that you'll grow out of it?"

And he tries to turn it around on them by saying Luis wears his own GaS shirts, Dave wore hoodies until recently and Ari looks like shit was great. It was a preview of how Artie will react if Anthony tries to do an intervention.

He goes all high pitched Opie on them.

"But it's just a t-shirt and jeans!"

And he looks utterly betrayed.

I only listened to it. Can you see the building butt hurt in the video?

Yeah. He looked like he did when they played that Cum Town clip of Stavros saying "Big Jay is stuck in 1999" or something like that. But he didn't have an out of saying Stavros wears WWE shirts in public to deflect it, which cheered him up when Dave brought that up. He just had 3 friends shitting on him as he probably thought he'd be too famous to be on the show 3 years ago when he had all the hype.

And he didn't have the gloves on and I don't think Luis mentioned them when he talked about changes he should make. So hopefully he's done with those.

Never thought I'd actually agree with Stav on anything.

I'm almost positive that Luis is trying to make Jay commit suicide. He's been going beyond taking him down a peg and really letting him know that he should be ashamed of himself.

He's 55 years old and he wears a wallet chain connected just for the look of it. He should be ashamed.

Triple heart bypass,

Should sew my mouth shut

My weakness is

That I gorge too much

I had to bin the pie cos

I cannot eat that pork

Enormous Jay Oakerson.


Pig Gay Oinkerson

And we're not talking about his career

The body shaming here really does help me stay focused on staying in shape. Keep it up. Thanks.

Shut up you fat fairy and keep running laps.

Moved to swimming actually.

Watch out for those Japanese fisherman.

Hopefully you aren't disgusting one day and can be judged based on your character instead of your visible greed.

Never got fat. I hide my greed along with everything else about me.

Ah it sounded like you were working on getting into shape, not maintaining.

I'm not American.

lol America is number 12 in obesity rates in the world.

UK is #27.

yeah, you britfags are really killin' it in the fitness department.

Yeah but nobody does super sized like you.

I don't associate with fat people so idk about that. You right tho, America is a fat ass country.

Shaming works.

would it be wrong?

would it be right?

if I took the last pizza slice

chances are that I might

Instead of thinking about using gel to give you sticky up hair aged 40, why not try eating less than 4000 calories a day?

Yeah, his old stuff got him to the point where he was told he was going to become a star a few years ago. Then he turns into "You ever fuck a black guy? No? But you think about it, right? All women think about it." That's Sherrod shit.

It's a testament to how great Dave Attell is that his material got him over years ago and also got Jay Oakerson the little bit of success he's enjoyed.

If you did a tracing of his head and a pineapple you wouldn't be able to guess which is which

This man is 41 years old and has a child...

He's a Mammoth in the business of comedy!

Rage against the elliptical machine.


I tear my sub open,

I open my gob

My weakness is

I'm a fat slob

And the scale reminds me

That my fat is real.

I tear my sub open,

Just to squeal!

  1. Luis is probably enjoying this thread

  2. Please forward this thread to fatso Luis

I can't believe his key chain gets all the attention and not those stupid fucking fingerless gloves. Unless you're a tradesman or a weightlifter, there's really no excuse.

If the word 'choad' did not exist, it would have to be invented to describe Big Jay.

Why are we hating on Jay again? Who do we like again?

I like Jay and the Bonfire, stop hating, Opie. Nice try!

He's going for the disheveled cool guy look but his eyebrows are manicured 🔥🔥🔥

Somebody tell this guy that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels

He's a big fan of Korn. You know because it's food too.

Come, my gravy Come, come, my gravy You're my drink of choice Drippings - baby

Broken couch

Cut my pizza into pieces..... This is my last food court.

Is that the amount of uncles you haven't fucked?

It's a testament to how great Dave Attell is that his material got him over years ago and also got Jay Oakerson the little bit of success he's enjoyed.

Sir please that's offensive. I would never buy radio merch.