Dani Golightly is a liberal hipster in LA now

23  2017-08-23 by unclepaul84


Retweeting SJW moshe kosher, nice

A lot of coalburners don't learn their lesson.

burn the coal,lose a finger

broken ribs bitten hand off to find another man

If I see her while she's out here I'll give her a jolly good rogering.

Somebody needs to finance her dope habit

She reinvented herself more successfully than the Opester seems to be doing.

her podcast WOULD be more successful then opies

She is not an attractive person.

how much do you think Ant had to pay her? 100k?

In the end, all she had left was $3,600 in mint-condition coins.

Well, she retweeted an Ayn Rand quote ("THE FOUNTAINHEAD is my contribution to keeping America what it was and must remain -- the country of individualism."), so I imagine she didn't take a cent off him nor did she stay in his Manhattan apartment for months after they broke up.

Ayn Rand lived off welfare for years

Yeah, but at least she did it fair and square under her own name, rather than under a half-dozen fake names like some sort of "welfare queen".


She still looks like a bug

She's following Jim Jeffries and kowtowing to all of liberal hollywood, hoping they notice her so she can get with the in crowd...ah, you know what I mean..

Yeah, she's trash.

I feel sorry for Vinnie Brand.

Why? It's his fault she's like this.

She could even get famous, if she cried about how evil Anth was with her.


Who fucking cares you pathetic sacks of dog shit? You hoping there's still some of Ant's load in there? Faggots

I think you need to relax, brother.

Wonderful. Cant wait for her to jump straight onto booked shows and paid gigs and have to watch her scroll (scroll scroll) through her Iphone notes for 2 minutes, going "What else did I want to talk about, you guyyys..."

LA has better heroin.

Vague Anti-Trump tweets, retweeting Moshe Kashner, but then retweeting lots of Ayn Rand quotes, a pinned tweet about roofieing a beer, this bitch is like a malfunctioning droid.

Women don't have strong identities so the hop to subcultures very easily.

They just adopt the identity and hobbies of the guy they are with. In the south there are lots of women who claim to love hunting, and they insist on showing up and ruining a boys weekend. (I know "boys weekend" sounds gay, but it's rarely gay)

If I see her while she's out here I'll give her a jolly good rogering.

Somebody needs to finance her dope habit