This will put some butts in the seats

50  2017-08-23 by unclepaul84


He looks like if Kenny Rogers was transitioning into being a woman.

All I can see is his fucked up nostril.

ill bet the inside looks like a collapsed mine shaft.

His septum isn't the only thing that's deviant about him, know what I mean?!?!

"Deviant septum" is something opie would say

Villagers instinctively chase Artie out of town before he can hex their live stock

Artie was pretty handsome back in the day

Holy shit he aged like shit... 11 or 12 years ago he looked great.

He looks like a witch that transitioned into a man.

Looks like Lady Di

Lady 'bouta Die

Artie's hair is 112 years old.

What happened to Joey Buttafuoco?

I bought compound media subscriptions drunk. And regretted it because Anthony stinks alone. But now I am willing to spend the extra 3 dollars to see how he does with this mess. Artie bobo Lange

Well as long as you're subscribing ironically, bro, then you're not wasting money.

Why does he look like every other Italian

Now the show has two hosts that look like grandmas.

Benjamin Franklin looking ass nigga.

Big Ben Frank Artie Oakerson

uhh, y'know.. da madtv.. uhh... my mom with the sausage peppers after my dad died but when I was a long shoreman they called me obese witherspoon... but, uh crystal meth is a good drug if ya wanna walk to st louis, uh dan falato judd apatow wit da mootzerell [wheeze] snortin heroin wit my bookie at a diner in hoboken uhh swung at a cop with an eightball of coke in 1992 uhhh y'know my good buddy norm macdonald but uhhh...

*~ Fartie Lange *

"uhh, y'know.. at madtv.. uhh... my mom with the sausage and peppers after my dad fell off da roof but when I was a long shoreman they called me obese witherspoon... but, uh crystal meth is a good drug if ya wanna walk to st louis, uh dan falato judd apatow wit da mootzerell [wheeze] snortin heroin wit my bookie at a diner in hoboken uhh swung at a cop with an eightball of coke in 1992 uhhh y'know my good buddy norm macdonald but uhhh..."

~ Fartie Lange

fawkin barootal

Artie was the only guy to get fat on coke. Apparently he was "puttin' that shit on cheeseburgers!!!"

I knew I was forgetting something... :(

Sprinkle in the falling asleep on Stern 120 times and you have September 2017 until Artie drops dead around Christmas-New Years.

He simultaneously reminds me of both characters here:

I don't understand how you can do as much heroin as he has and still continue to be overweight.

What was he putting drugs on cheeseburgers or sumthin?

Hahahaha maybe he'll make that joke one day.

It's so weird how some people can do as much heroin as he has and continue to be overweight. We're about the same height and I got down to 130 just from pills.

Lady Di looking motherfucker

You goddamn marks just up voted a wrestling reference. Fucking marks.

And needs to take him to John Sahag for some soy sauce

You mean knives in stomachs

Hair turned white, like he just saw a ... bag o' coke