ESPN has removed an asian announcer named Robert Lee because this country is beyond any words now...

17  2017-08-23 by I_want_Forbin



ESPN are a bunch of cunts.

They are scared shitless at making any misstep because they dont want to piss off the Red Guard of the Cultural Revolution. I cant blame them i guess. They want to march in line to not effect business but the SJWs change the rules AND increase the penalties all the time.

Have you seen the shit show that is 'The Six' ?

I made the mistake the other day. Had a tough day at work. Turned it on to watch a game or highlights. Instead I'm being lectured about racial shit. And they're straining themselves to somehow tie it into sports by quoting Lebron James and his completely meaningless bimbo thoughts on things. Just put a fucking game or hilights on. It's not that fucking hard. Tell corny one liners over a clip of a guy hitting a homer. En fuego. Cooler than the other side of the pillow. That's all I want out of sportscenter. The most annoyance I wanna have when I watch sports center is how corny the one liners are. Save all that gossipy social justice race baiting bullshit for the talk shows. Instead it's all gossip all day mixed in with whatever social injustice du jour needs to be shoved down our throats. There's a lot of truth to the bits that Dipaolo and Burr do about not wanting to see pink socks and cancer kids and dying moms when you put sports on.

That black guy is one angry dude.

Michael Smith once got punked by a even angrier black guy former player Hugh Douglas

Unlike Opie, Hugh Douglas now hosts a morning radio show

Unlike Opie, Hugh Douglas once said something humorous

I turn it before the intros over

What kinda car?

'11 ford explorer

On my way

Do them shits even got leatha?

Flucking lacist.

Bobby Lee will rise again!

We seriously just need to split the country again. They'll eventually consume themselves within several years and we can take it all back w/ half the population gone. Win-win.

Who gets Opie and who gets Anthony?

Easiest solution ever... who do you want to see die the most?

Roland. I've always hated his voice. Anthony is killing himself with booze and opie will kill himself when his wife leaves.

I agree but you spelled his name wrong. S-A-M.

I have no real hate towards him. I think the company threw him a show to try to fill the gap and keep diehards subscribing for the O&A lite "remember the good old days" nostalgia. Eventually they'll just drop it and he'll go back to being scorch Jr. It's just a glorified spin-off show like The Ropers, with Jimmy being Mr. Roper. They're both just too naive to realize it.

You're not wrong at all. It do you really think Norton doesn't realize that? Norton's a smart dude he's also a paranoid dude. I guarantee he knows his situation perfectly. Certainly better than any of us qweebs.

He's intelligent but he has the emotional intelligence of a teenage girl. When they finally cancel him he'll have a tantrum and go off about how he didn't want the show anyway. He's delusional like Opie that way. Which is probably why they hate each other so much, they're both the same little girl.

He''s clinging desperately to the crumbs of attention that Sirius throws him while scared to death because he knows he'll never be CK, Burr, or Carlin. He wasted his career hitching himself exclusively to the wrong duo and sticking to the same bits because he's afraid to try something new. Now in the twilight of his career he knows he has no options. What's he going to do? Full time comedy tour? His fan base is limited now and he's past his sell by date. Will he ever do Saturday Night Live? Nope, that's not the barebacking trannies audience.

He had potential but he was never as smart as all of the people that Opie shit on for being too good for the show after they made it big. Had he been smart he never would have let himself be the O&A bitch. Sure he made a lot of money but in the end when it's all cancelled he'll be that guy who use to have a radio show and was the O&A sidekick.

Look at me being a wordy cunt tonight.

I can't comprehend how stupid that is. If this was an Onion article I'd call it unrealistic.

Can't miss out on ESPN, bunch of beer bellied men need to see the latest game of nigger collision.

This guy is an Asian named bobby lee, his entire life has just been humiliating bullshit happening to him

Who gets Opie and who gets Anthony?