Nick Dipaolo Show Is Awful

0  2017-08-23 by ActionBlackson

Why the hell is this show on a talk entertainment channel? It's nothing but extreme right-wing political talk. It's not funny at all. I just don't get why this turd of a show is on any channel, let alone an entertainment channel


I enjoy it.

Stick with Chapo Trap House, faggot

You're awful. How ya like them apples, Jack?

He's decent

He used to be funny. FULL STOP

I don't listen and if you don't like him do the same. If people don't listen the show will go away.

Nick is basically Regular Joe but less funny and more racist.

It is awful. It's a 100% right wing politics show and I hate to say it cause I like Nick but he is stupid as fuck. The points he makes are so cringeworthy and easily debunked or disputed

Today he said he wanted Bannon to be President.


Fuck that term. This website is starting to fag up this subreddit.

I actually like Dipaolo and think he's funny, but I hate his podcast and radio show.

He can be funny, but once he gets on a political tangent he's the opposite of funny. Unfortunately this show is one long-winded political tangent.

I'm a big fan, but I'm also a doo wop dago

I'm Italian as well. Still think he's shit.

I love him, but the callers are honestly the worst Ive ever heard into any radio show, ever. They make Ron & Fez callers seem like Mr Show writers in comparison. Like Leykis did, Nick does 6 minutes of show prep, then leaves the other 95% to phone calls. "Ey Nick, lemme tell ya sum'm, dese fawkin Millennials oughta get off dere ass n get a JOB, awright? I eva tawlked to my fatha like THESE kids do, I'd get a smack across da MOUT', Nick."


Let me guess he spent about 15 minutes again today reminding everyone how white males have are no longer properly represented in commercials anymore

Is this what Anthony's show is like? This is why I haven't subbed but I'm very interested. I loved the political stuff when you had Jimmy there to balance it out a bit with interesting conversation. They had the right amount of it. But I don't want to hear him freak out for hours about it when he does solo shows.

shut the fuck up loser youve heard every second

Ummmmm....nope. You're obviously a twat. Go fuck yourself.

keep listening and complaining

Gag on a D


Ummmmm....nope. You're obviously a twat. Go fuck yourself.