Jim's opinion on the DailyStormer fiasco

32  2017-08-22 by FlashVirus

Jim: yeah man I don't know.. they say that site did a lot of racist and offensive things but I don't know man it's like this society doesn't tolerate free speech if it's offensive. People just need to learn not to get fucking offended at every little thing. Then again if it's a private corporation censoring them then that's their right as well. ~clears throat~

Sam: Yeah it sets a dangerous precedent. Imagine if a company pulled the rug out from under the WWE Network suddenly because of an offensive joke. It would kill wrestling.

Jim: yeah..... they say the site is now on TOR but I'm not going there. Don't trust it. Just like torrents, that's how you get viruses.



The man that has fucked thousands of hookers raw is all of a sudden worried about viruses?

He ass fucked a black hooker transvestite, raw, in the 80s. Or maybe 90s.

That's like playing russian roulette except only one of the chambers is empty.

Russian roulette with a semi-auto

That was Anthony's line when they talked about it on the show. "Russian roulette with an automatic."


I knew a cunt who actually did that. He was drunk and it was a shitty old .22 that jammed casings and would often fail to load the next round. Unfortunarely, he lived

That's like playing russian roulette except only one of the chambers is empty.

And it's not Jim's rectum, am I right??

*Jamaican roulette.

Lmao he's so fucking tech retarded

two-sides-of-a-coin middle-of-the-road Jimmy is certainly fair & balanced

You forgot the part where he shoe-horns a joke how he likes to suck dick then laughs at it for 2 minutes straight.

This is so spot on I don't know if it happened or not.

it's real enough that I've been forced to begin the process of destroying this planet

To be fair the WWE network thing made me more enraged, but both of them are assholes.

I don't get who watches that show Sam hosts. I get the whole idea of announcers "pretending it's real" when the match has started. But Sam's show is just three random people talking for an hour about what "strategy" the wrestling will use for their next match like it's an actual sport. It's douchey as fuck

TOR is fine: Just use a VPN, and cram your computer with anti-virus shit.

Tails my man

Just downloading Tails gets you put on a government watchlist.

I admire a lot of the privacy freaks, open source guys, and free software types.. but what the fuck are people doing on the PC where they have to be THAT secure and anonymous constantly? I just looked up Tails.. holy shit. Talk about paranoid.

I tried it out when I was DDOSing this website I got banned from. It's clunky.

Think so?

How would they go about that? Flagging ppl who search for tails in a google search? Making a copycat website of the tails download page and logging IP's of those who are unlucky enough to land on said copycat?

You might be right, I just have a hunch that they say shit like that to try and scare people into never looking into any of it.

Also, tails is just a cool concept. Being able to run a barebones OS off just a USB is attractive in the event of hdd/ssd failure. But I'm sure there are other USB loaded Linux distro's that aren't designed with privacy as the number 1 concern.

All they have to do is look at the traffic from the Tails website. The good thing is, the list is so long that it'll probably never affect you.

Do you really know how this works? I'm not saying you don't, I've just never talked with someone who actually does so I'm interested.

I thought that in order to get visitor IP's, login data, etc. from a website they needed to subpoena the owners.

And I haven't checked, but I imagine the server for the site would be located in a country where co-op like that would be difficult.

Not saying it wouldn't be impossible, just that subpoena'ing a website on a regular basis for visitor ip's, especially one on foreign soil, seems unlikely.

I thought that in order to get visitor IP's, login data, etc. from a website they needed to subpoena the owners.


Ok, or forego a conversation to be a cunt about it

  1. Take a look at what sub you're in

  2. Did you not pay attention to the Edward Snowden leaks? The government has been illegally spying on people for a very long time.

  1. This is asianmasculinity, no? Your uncreative maniacal "hahahahahahahaha" has all the markings of an asmascer.

  2. Barely. My interests are varied and I have the attention span of a squirrel and, frankly, I don't give a care

Read a book, retard.

Though I don't share your interest in the NSA, cyber security, and conspiracy theories, I have read books on many other topics.

I may be a retard though.

I don't go crazy with the privacy thing but I like the current Alt-Tech movement growing which promotes free speech and privacy. You can just do little things like use DuckDuckGo instead of Google if you're a bit worried about privacy. There are guys that use TOR, VPN's, and other tools simultaneously which, as I said in my other post, makes me wonder what the fuck they're doing that requires such privacy.

If they're not a journalist, whistleblower, or a dissident citizen of an oppressive country, it's probably drugs of some sort. But they may just have a mental/personality disorder that predisposes them to paranoia.

Lol that's such a bs argument. How about your doctor, attorney, psychiatrist etc. Shouldn't they handle your private information with care? If you've nothing to hide, you can send me all your passwords in a pm

I thought that in order to get visitor IP's, login data, etc. from a website they needed to subpoena the owners.

That's one way; webservers tend to log requests people make for resources (although you can turn that off). Other ways would be to compromise (hack) the webserver, the network switch it's plugged into, the router that handles traffic to it, the DNS servers that respond with the IP for the website, the root DNS servers, or the search engines that respond to searches for "tails". All of those are capable of logging IP addresses and browser fingerprinting information (version of the browser, browser extensions installed, OS version, screen dimensions etc); and I believe the Snowdon leaks indicated that search engines and root DNS had been compromised by the CIA.

If you're feeling super-paranoid, TOR itself was funded (and I believe, still partly run by) the US Air Force; and Facebook was partly funded by the CIA via their In-Q-Tel investment arm.

When will Jim Norton get that blessed bullet through his head.

Losers. And Howard Stern is still on the air, meanwhile the O&A crew have split up.

"you might not agree with the kkk, but it doesnt mean you should be against them serving you sandwiches at your local subway and therefore trying to get them fired..."


I bet Jim doesn't even know how torrents work. If he did he would realize how much of retard he sounds.

I've used torrent clients for most of my life and I've never had a virus while always running Windows. Jimmy is a scared old hen.

He doesn't think employers should fire people for speech issues even if it damages their profits.

He's an idiot.

That's an almost verbatim jim transcript right there. An upvote is your reward.

Ladies and gentlemen. ....I present the Most Stupidest Man. ....Jim ( Toast ) Norton.

Russian roulette with a semi-auto

That was Anthony's line when they talked about it on the show. "Russian roulette with an automatic."

That's like playing russian roulette except only one of the chambers is empty.

And it's not Jim's rectum, am I right??

I tried it out when I was DDOSing this website I got banned from. It's clunky.

*Jamaican roulette.

Ok, or forego a conversation to be a cunt about it

  1. This is asianmasculinity, no? Your uncreative maniacal "hahahahahahahaha" has all the markings of an asmascer.

  2. Barely. My interests are varied and I have the attention span of a squirrel and, frankly, I don't give a care