Carl Ruiz is in Philadelphia. He knows the whereabouts of Father Doris. A little Philly crew action

0  2017-08-22 by Proptrash




He went to Johns Roast Pork which is the most legit place to go for Roast pork and cheese steaks... Da Cuban is cool in my book.

Me: Hey what da fuck? You should told me you were goin to Philly. I got people that I'm close to down there. We coulda done a road trip and a few pop-ups!

Me? I live here. I don't want to meet you. Get on grinder lonely guy.

He's back with the Phillies?

ol' Needed-Braces-Mouth would be nicknamed Tooch

No my son. I am still in Thai--- on extended vacation.

The lord works in mysterious ways. 😉