Now's probably a good time to list all of Keith the Cop's bungles and failures with CM, talent and potential future talent, etc...

20  2017-08-22 by TangerineReam


Approaching Colin about signing Tough crowd while waiting for the elevator

hahahah i forgot that one

Releasing Ron & Anthony artwork before making any solid deal

Ron reaming Keith out for his unprofessionalism a out that artwork is the highlight of TACS's existence.

And instead of being pissed, or having the scales fall from his eyes and realizing what an utter buffoon Keith is, Anthony just did his forced over the top laugh at Ron....and kept Keith as EP of his network.

Any clip?

There was, but I'm sure Keith had it pulled down.

Once you let the mob into your life, they never leave.

Taking the Helm of producing a talk show network with zero experience in doing so

Discussing behind the scenes business publicly, i.e. this:

Add Artie, lose Gavin, AND raise the subscription prices??? Makes sense. FAIL

Signing "Finer Things with Mike Finoia"

that legit was a horrible choice. Mike finoia is devoid of humor

But those burgers But those beers

Losing Legion of Skanks over not paying them enough then turning it into a public argument on twitter

Luis said on the latest YKWD that they let the LOS walk over an extra 700 a month. They used to do 2 shows a week for CM so for an extra $29.18 per show per skank, they lost those guys.

....and then giving them LoS' back-catalogue for free (although that may have been Ant).

Compound paid to build GAS Digital's library.

Meanwhile Steve C was an asshole for cataloguing and hosting O&A's videos for a decade and daring to ask for money when they wanted them back.

700 more per month. 233.33 per skank. 58.33 per skank per show. To be exact.

Giving Red Bar a show on the network

Killing and disposing of the bodies of all the trannies who threatened to expose Anthony.

Don't blame Kieth for Big A's escapades.

Trying to censor one of the hosts of a show on the network, over a Z list comic guest who offers nothing to the company vs the free exposure he gets, thus damaging the reputation of "the free speech network."

Letting (and officially endorsing) a Red Bar fan owned Cumia Show account right after Anthony was booted off Twitter.

Tell the folks at home what a Red Bar is.

A giant cock with no dick.

Telling us his father was dying after his phone number got leaked.

I heard his father leaked his number, then shot himself out of shame.

LOS asked for $700 more a month. Keith said no. They have no direction or vision for the future. Gavin is in the news every other day and he loved being on Ant's network. They took his goodwill and friendship with Ant for granted.

What is the story with this? I assumed Gavin wanted to leave to do his own thing. He was the only relevant thing happening on the 'network.'

It's absolutely incredible Gavin was on there as long as he was.

Truth. They should've been approaching him about ways to get him more involved in the company. Pissed away a golden opportunity. Like him or not Gavin knows his shit.

How about the fact that they announce the AA show and then go on vacation. They really just don't care that much about the network.

Also, when this started, Ant said multiple times, we have no bosses, they'll be shows that go longer than two hours. You can count on one hand the shows that have gone longer than 2hrs 5mins.

And they do have a boss..... Joe Matarese complained and they caved to him and a place that sells fucking DVDs

That, and their hosting company has some fairly strict content policies.

Didn't they just come back from vacation not that long ago?

It's summer, so I get it, you take vacations, but if you're still building something like this you shouldn't announce and then go right on vacation. And raise the price $2 on top it! It's about perception, and Keith is not good at good at optics at this point.

Signing Eastside Dave to 150 dollar a week show.

They need that money for subutex now!

Keith has 0 self awareness. He has no idea what's going on or what people want to hear / see. I want him broke by the end of the year!

No shit. He's a fucking cop. Those are the last people on the planet who should be running a fucking entertainment network. It's a joke in itself.

He got rid of the cleaners to save a few bucks and made Garrett vacuum the place.

We're gonna need a bigger server to house this list.

Everything from what I've read on here. Also not signing chip first

Offering Opie a deal

And getting turned down...

Employing an ex-cop, (a HS education at best), who ran your fucking dry cleaning to suddenly be the primary business manager & EP of your start-up multimedia platform...

Oh. This would be Anthony's failures & moments of buffoonery.

Putting everything behind a paywall and not just the video portion of the podcasts which would be the logical and sane thing to do. Then after three years of this failing, not realizing their mistake and then actually increasing the price. Not even waiting to see what the Artie announcement will have on subscriber numbers and being seemingly too stupid to predict that a number of people might cancel their subscriptions over this.

Taking down any Compound content he finds on YouTube, having learnt fucking nothing from O&A leaving stuff up on YouTube and Foundry as free advertising.

Bennington not only left his Ron & Fez stuff up on YouTube, but also makes all of his interviews available on the web for free; but why pay any attention to what a guy with decades of radio experience and tons of street smarts is doing?

Don't you go complementing Ron around here. These animals were picking away at his sunglasses covered hairline just two days ago.

Keith once gave Pete Davidson a Compound Media business card, later on Keith and Anthony found the same business card screwed up and thrown into an elevator.


Remember when Keith admitted he has spent over $1,500 in micro transactions on an iPhone Star Wars game

No, because I don't listen/watch/care.

There are so many, this is truly glorious. When he told people they needed to tone it down with the "n word" shit.

Keith had a great run for a few weeks of tweeting celebrities that would be in New York and begging them to come do Anthony's three year anniversary show. That smacks of both professionalism and success.

That's how SNL's been doing it for decades. In fact, Bill Murray was DISCOVERED via Twitter. So there!

Buying a generator, that he'll never use......