So much classic Opie behaviour packed into a 4 minute clip

40  2017-08-22 by ElmerDudd

0.01 - Trips over his own words setting up the bit

0.08 - "It sure is" Pretending to know what's going on around him and why people are laughing

0:38 - Grinds the funny to a halt to explain why it's funny

2:00 - Recognizes that it's a Robin Quivers soundbite. Won't let it go until he gets acknowledgement for it. Then replays it. Notice the enthusiam in Ant's voice "Oh yeah...totally"

2:32 - Doesn't start laughing until everbody else is and then breaks into a ridiculous over the top fake laugh and then declares "that's the best one right there".

3:00 - Explains why it's funny again, getting it completely wrong.


Oh fuck I am on the air? What a fucking dunce Opie is in that clip.

My god, that's really what he thought it was.

The man truly does not understand humor. He's fucking fascinating -- I've never seen someone who so consistently fails to understand jokes and who hits so wide of the mark when he tries his own hand at humor. The fact that he was first mic on a successful comedy show for like 25 years is astonishing. How did we let it happen? How did we not see?

*every clip.

This is exactly how my mom pretends to get jokes.

This might be the single best example of what a useless piece of shit he is. I've always found his obsession with Howard to be a bit disturbing also.

Opie didn't understand how a guy with much more talent, business sense, and rapport could pass him in the industry.

Pass implies they were ever on the same level.

We derive more pleasure mocking Opie than we EVER did listening to the show.

Remember when Colin smash Ant beautifully with the "Tunisian Knife fighter" line, and then everybody in the room was howling except Opie? And Colin was on a roll and the only time Opie laughed was when Colin, in the middle of another joke, used the throwaway line "fun and profit."

That really sums up Opie's (terrible) sense of humor to me. He laughs at jokes that 16 year olds laugh at online in 2009.

I don't think Opie thought that was funny, I don't think he ever genuinely laughs on the show, he just wants to be heard as much as possible. It's possessive, territorial. Like a dog pissing on a park bench, in audio form.

It's probably the first time he had heard the adjective "Tunisian" and he probably still has no clue what it refers to.