For all ya broke-ass niggas

3  2017-08-22 by HitEmWTheHeinnn


WallStreetTraderChip: duh! what were they thinking.

What the faaaaaaaaawk?

Why would they bet against Alibaba? Like 90% of the shit being sold on Amazon right now is just rebranded shit companies have bought from Alibaba.

Some people believe it's overvalued due to the high volume of outstanding stock. Alibaba has 2.6 billion shares of stock outstanding vs. Amazon's 480 million.

Eh whadda I know, give me container of kimchi, some fried rice and a slave wage and I'm happy.

Have fun with your Obama, faggot.

I don't understand what that means. And isn't Amazon not making profit from the store yet because they are constantly rolling it back into expanding it?

Expanding and other shit. Yes.
