The latest episode of Legion of Skanks, they spend the last 45 minutes bashing Jay's wallet chains and "fashion". Jay gets super defensive.

107  2017-08-22 by buttholebrigade


1:43:04 is the time stamp

I'm only 3 minutes in.. he's trying to take it, but you can hear the pain in his voice.

He gets real butt hurt at the end but tries not to sound like a bitch, normally Dave Smith is the sensitive bitchy one lol

"It's my style". I love how he talks about 'pulling it off', no look ridiculous.

The best part is when they said he looks like Papa Roach and he acted all confused "what does that even mean? like the lead singer?" He probably has every one of their albums.

"What does Papa Roach have to do with this? What do you mean? Do you mean the lead singer... everyone else in the band wears jeans and a t-shirt."

He also gets so worked up at one point he says Luis wears "pant and shirts."

Jay does this stupid faux confusion thing all the time when he's getting bashed. He's done it on bonfire before early on when Soder wasn't scared to make fun of Jay. Soder said something about him working managing a Spencers and Jay was like, 'what i don't get it, i don't get anything from there'.

It is amazing how transparent these comedy dummies are, but then again they are all high school drop outs who consider themselves intellectuals. Jay also tries this tactic i used to use in middle school where you say something like, 'i have no problem taking a joke but that isn't even accurate. Like he doesn't understand that something, not 100% accurate is still funny. We know what you are doing you GED retard.

Jay does this stupid faux confusion thing all the time when he's getting bashed.

Sounds familiar.

wha happen

ME: I do have tits and I'm working very hard on them.

Ugh, so wormy. Almost as bad as that time Norton unfollowed everyone on tweeter and when Colin called him out he acted like he couldn't understand how it was a petty move. These fellas really think they're pulling the wool over our eyes. Jays a good guy, I like him, but he's a huge fucking fag. Louis needs to do a R.A.M.

LJG - "Nobody likes it Jay." Jay - "What?" LJG - "The style..."

I think Luis is a swell guy

Luis makes a lot of wishes come true for this sub, he's a real ass spic.

Amy bashing, opie bashing, Jay bashing, infrequent posting.

He truly is one of us.

Except for the infrequent posting

This is fantastic.


Ari called his beard a "billygoat beard" hahaha

Luis has been trying to mindfuck Big Jay for at least the last three episodes. The pre-taped one they did before Ari's episode wasn't even a funny version of trying to rip on Jay, it was just an hour straight of Luis creepily digging and digging into Jay's fucking ability and his insecurity over his body while having sex.


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There's a line he has that almost gets buried, where they're making an actual list of what he needs to change and Dave jokes "get rid of Christine, why the hell you wearing that?" and Luis goes "if he just did everything on this list he'd learn he could get rid of her easily!" and it gets real tense and awkward for a moment.

It was like 3 seconds of dead air. The pr rattlesnake strikes again

JaY Is noT bEiNg DeFeNsIvE

August fahls????

Nig Tray Wooderson is fawkin funny

The red rooster hair is the biggest issue, so much else is wrong but the hair really emphasises the goth flair.

It's true haha he looks like garbage. It's even stranger to think he decided to start dressing like this as an adult.

And before you make fun of me I've been dressing the same way since 17 >:(

Is that true that he started dressing that way as an adult? I always assumed that he just never grew out of the way he dressed as a teenager.

Nope. He's 40 years old with a child that went into a store one day and decided to buy himself some jelly bracelets.

Let that sink in.

Yeah, he dressed like a wigger in the early 2000s. Then he switched to his longhair metal-dude look, which was straight from 1995, before changing to his current 2001-goth kid look.

An SNN special report: Big Jay looks like a douche. Stinks dresses like an even more effeminate version of Big Jay. Does that make Stinks a douche and or gay? Find out more at 11.

No way I look cool >:( I at least dress like a ramones, he dresses like god smacks Roadie

you look gay. and are

U r >:(


You don't look cool and the Ramones fucking suck just like all that faggot punk rock shit.

settle down

You don't get to call anyone a faggot, Mr. Disgusted by vagina.

Vaginas do not look good and you all are fucking liars. They feel pretty good but look horrendous.

Thass' why you gay!

I'm the straightest man here.

Such a gay thing to say. You should never have to proclaim that.

Says you, queer

Woah dude take it easy.

That's what I thought, Peter puffer.


Yeah I said it. Go listen to a real band like the death grips or street sects, instead of that fag punk shit.


I dress in ladies underwear so I don't have a leg to stand on

I like how it all starts with Dave asking if he's ever gonna grow out of it lol

Also he starts bragging about how he rips the wallet of his chain wallet and just puts it through his belt loops... what the fuck did he expect the reaction to that would be.

Here's what happened: Luis built on it assuming everyone would jump in and they left him stranded there which made him look like an asshole and everyone played devil's advocate. About the red streak Ari was like "it's... interesting" so the rest of it was about how Luis is a bully.

They still have a show

How does anybody not like Luis? I've never understood that.

Luis is definitely entertaining.

All Puerto Ricans are. I used to sit outside my house and watch my PR neighbors have knock down drag out fist fights.

This story is unbelievable in that you don't mention any stabbings or knifeplay in general

That was with their wives though.

Who? Collectively, who?


He actually took offence at being compared to papa roach style.

He's such a awful nothing person.

These cunts are stealing content from this sub. I think that all of us an file a DMCA Takedown Notice against Gas Digital for stealing our intellectual property.

Next step is whited out contact lenses, that or cat eyes

or remove a rib so he can suck his own dick just like his hero.

Wait, Dave Attell can suck his own dick?

20 minutes in and no mention of fingerless gloves? How is that not the first thing.

Someone says it at the end and someone goes "How did we forget the fucking gloves!" lol

"I like bracelets." "That's the gayest bing you've ever said."

Straight to the point. What an embarrassing episode.

Big Jay is what happens when John Bender gains 100 pounds.

That joke wasn't appreciated enough.

they are all so scared to make fun of jay, he is the most sensitive guy out of all of the NY comics. he dresses like he thinks he's a bad ass but he's a big baby. if youre gonna wear shit like that you should be able to take a joke.

Dave Smith is way worse, they did a bit not too long ago were the played "Fuck The Police" everytime Dave said something and got so mad he threatened to leave since he "couldn't say anything", it was Opie level whining.

Nah Dave was right there. It was ruining the episode.

It was, but they could have gotten some mileage out of it if Dave actually said something funny during it.

"shit like that" is a compliment.

He's a fatherless Jew. Can you even imagine what level of whiny twat that produces?

"Are you just trying to throw off muggers?"

He looks like all the members from good charlotte combined.

He looks like if the one on the right ate the 2 in the middle, then decided he wanted to go gay for the one all the way on the left.

Except they have actually seemed to grow out of it and if they havent well it actually made them rich... Unlike you know Big Jay.

I don't think he gets that defensive. He's nowhere near Opie's level of sanctimony. Previous shows where Luis goofed on Christine were much icier.

There was tention like this in early episodes of LoS. To the point Jay said they weren't really even friends for a while.

That mindset may have returned.

"Do you know how little it hurts for the 3 of you to give me fashion advice?"

No Jay. It shouldn't hurt. They are trying to be funny. On a comedy podcast. Jesus fuck, Jay is the new Greggshells. What a titty baby.

Besides the fact that he acts like Opie when he gets made fun of, does anyone else notice that Jay dresses similar to the way Opie dressed in the 90's?

At least back then, it was somewhat excusable.

Joe Rogan also rocks the chain wallet.

Quod erat demonstrandum

g'oan nah

And a fanny pack.

Not to toot my own horn here but I gave Luis the big Jay clothes intervention idea on here a few months ago and he responded "that's a great idea"

Okay, faggot.

I did, I'll try to find it.

No way I look cool >:( I at least dress like a ramones, he dresses like god smacks Roadie

Someone says it at the end and someone goes "How did we forget the fucking gloves!" lol

Woah dude take it easy.