Artie is a piece of shit who stole the co-hosting gig from a mush mouthed zilch

24  2017-08-22 by TomasGreyhound


He might be just as delusional as Opie.

Opie never ran for congress or whatever this dipshit did.

That makes him a piece of shit? Looks like Artie broke John's ankles with the old UTEP two step

This nobody has tweeted about 5 times about the fact Artie's name is first in the show title. He didn't even watch the only episode before trashing it... when the first thing Artie said was Ant decided to put his name first because "it flowed better".

This fucking piece of shit was only entertaining when Stern was putting the boots to him and he STILL doesn't realize it

Would John even have the time to co-host? It seems like holding onto his peak fame from 1997 is a full-time job.

It's call the law of diminishing returns -even though there really is no fame left,he has to 24/7 preserve it...its like,physics or sumtin'...

John has a lot of balls to call anyone else a hack. He was great back in the day but he has been a washed up embarrassment for at least a decade. Not that Artie is all that much different but at least Artie legitimately has comedy chops, even if they are muddled in heroin.

It's a hack eat hack world.

This guy has a transgender child, but dares to attack other people...

Take care of your own business at home, buddy!

This retarded, one-way feud started when Artie strongly implied that John hit his ex-wife, Suzanner.

On a totally unrelated note, John's oldest daughter had her tits removed, and is on the way towards becoming a "man". She/he begged for money on the internet for a transitioning procedure.

Who in the hell would listen to "The Stuttering John Podcast?"

I thought John was going to be a California Senator.

Well maybe Ant also needs a guy to go bother celebrities at movie premiers.

I like this John. The only thing he was ever good at was fighting with Stern staffers.

Jim, John, Ron... and then Artie flopped in

During the Twitter flurry, Stuttering John repeatedly called Tranthony a great guy. He's placing his bet on Artie croaking out soon and the chair being up for grabs again.

Johnny was Stern. Now it's Ronnie.