Artie's salary, any idea?

4  2017-08-22 by tonydogs

my guess is 500k


I really cant see it being 6 figures.

They'd need around 10k subscribers paying $9/month to be able to pay both Ant + Artie $500k/each... and that doesn't include the various show expenses like the studio, billboard, the cop, and show leechs like Brother Joe.

I also doubt it's 500k, but wouldn't be surprised at 200k.

He's actually paid in heroine, whiskey, and Italian hoagies.

Heroin, you dolt. Unless it's saving lives suddenly.

Tss, paid in Wonder Womans or sumphin'

anthony and keith are desperate to bring a sense of legitimacy to the network. if artie brings in 5,000 subs they would basically break even on that kind of salary, which i think they would be happy with

Check your match there, bud.

Check your English there, bud.

5,000 subs x $100 (rough cost of month to month sub for 1 year) = $500,000.

looks good faggot.

Ha yeah you're right, I'm a moron.

It's about 6000 subs at $83 a year for $500k, but that's assuming Ant keeps all that money - obviously there's overhead in studio costs and their partners for streaming and stuff. I would venture a guess that 10,000 is probably more the break-event.

They both probably think that since they were each second mics on giant shows that millions of people listened to that it will translate to at least hundreds of thousands of subs though.

Where do you get the 6000 subs number? It seems to me it HAS to be more than that. When he started it was 8 hours of content a week (just TACS), but rapidly added more shows and even a few multi-day-per-week shows. Not sure how that could be sustained for even a year with $500K. 30,000 subs at $95.4 (isn't it $7.95/month? I know there's a discount for buying up front, too, so we'd have to guess at the average monthly vig) would be $2.862 million/year which seems to be a more workable number. I have a reason for asking. :-)

Interested in bringing Weird Medicine to CompoundMedia, Dr. Steve? Love the show, by the way.

Thanks pal, just running the numbers for future reference. ;-)

Where do you get the 6000 subs number?

Arithmetic. 6000 * $83 = $498k. I don't think he was saying that's how many subscribers Compound has -- it's how many Artie would theoretically need to bring in to "break even" (or close to it) at a $500k salary.

Fluid'n a maassssss... And tissue...

Ah ok, I'm a dolt


Big fan of your work, btw.

Thanks pal!

The concept people were talking about is how many subscribers Compound would need to ADD to offset Artie's theoretical $500,000 salary. I'm not suggesting that's the total number of Compound subscribers - that number had better be MUCH higher if they are making any money at all or even keeping the lights on.

The math I did was using the yearly sub number of $83, so 500000/83 = 6024. It could be less subscribers if there are more monthly subs since they bring in a bit more money per year ($8.95 a month or $107.40 per yet). If they were all monthly subscribers, it would be around 5000 instead of 6000 to break even. Although like I said, there are costs and overhead, so it's more likely $10,000 to break even.

Got it, I'm an idiot, thanks

Keith will release Dane-r back to her family if Artie shows up for the first 30 days. After that it's anyone's guess, and trannies.

8ball and a 6 pack.

About tree fiddy.

why does art need money- heroin is so cheap nowadays (?) rent on the studio,meager salaries for the tech,server costs,whatever it costs to track down and pull down youtube clips-whatever they pay the other outstanding talent-he needs like 10k subscribers-I'm guessing he has ,maybe 2k(?)

I'm guessing they paid off his debt to his bookie plus 50k or so in exchange for a yearlong contract.


Where do you get the 6000 subs number? It seems to me it HAS to be more than that. When he started it was 8 hours of content a week (just TACS), but rapidly added more shows and even a few multi-day-per-week shows. Not sure how that could be sustained for even a year with $500K. 30,000 subs at $95.4 (isn't it $7.95/month? I know there's a discount for buying up front, too, so we'd have to guess at the average monthly vig) would be $2.862 million/year which seems to be a more workable number. I have a reason for asking. :-)

Got it, I'm an idiot, thanks